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Spartacus, Vitamin C or Vitamin D?


Report: Vitamin D can cut cancer risk

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 Posted: 1315 GMT (2115 HKT)

(CNN) -- A large daily dose of vitamin D can dramatically lower the risk of developing common cancers, including breast, ovarian and colon cancers, by up to 50 percent, according to American researchers.

The research, published in the American Journal of Public Health, reviewed 63 studies looking at the relationship between blood levels of vitamin D and cancer risk.

It found that the "natural" form of the vitamin, known as D3, could dramatically reduce the chances of developing common cancers.

The study concluded that taking 1,000 international units (IU) -- or 25 micrograms -- of the vitamin daily could lower an individual's cancer risk by as much as 50 percent.

However, such large doses of the vitamin must be treated with caution. More than 2,000 IU a day can lead to the body absorbing too much calcium, and possible damage to the liver and kidneys.

D3 is normally produced in the skin by being exposed to sunlight, but can also be obtained from certain foods.

Dietary sources are limited -- a glass of milk, for instance, contains only 100 IU of the vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency may account for several thousand premature deaths from cancer each year in the United States, said the scientists.

Professor Cedric Garland, from the University of California at San Diego, who led the review study, said: "A preponderance of evidence, from the best observational studies the medical world has to offer, gathered over 25 years, has led to the conclusion that public health action is needed," he said.

"The easiest and most reliable way of getting the appropriate amount is from food and a daily supplement."

The study found that people in the north eastern U.S., and darker skinned individuals, were at increased risk due to a lack of sunshine-generated vitamin D.

A leading British cancer charity was cautious about the claims, with a spokeswoman claiming the evidence linking vitamin D levels with cancer risk was "complex and confusing."

"There is evidence to suggest that the vitamin plays a role in keeping cells healthy," said Sara Hiom, head of health information at Cancer Research UK," she told Britain's Press Association.

"But further research is needed to understand what role vitamin D may play in preventing cancer in humans."

Re: Spartacus, Vitamin C or Vitamin D?

All of them! Including the many nutrients that are as yet undiscovered.

Naturopathic medicine is way ahead of conventional medicine when it comes to chronic disorders.

Still, I sometimes feel like our knowledge of nutrition is quite lacking when measured against reality. Nobody really understands human physiology. Truth is though, we don't need to. We need only examine the lifestyles of the healthiest people throughout history and do likewise. Nature does a wonderful job is we learn to trust the creator who designed us to be a part of it.

Regarding cancer go ahead and gather all the information you can about vitamin D etc. but be sure to check out vitamin B17 or Essiac both of which have interesting histories. Natural vitamins are best as a rule but then again there are exceptions. It's a fascinating new world to enter. Diseases we were led to believe were incurable in fact are cureable or at least highly treatable without surgery or drugs and always with no side effects and superior results.

Your cardiologist will never tell you to take CoQ10, B vitamins (particularly B12 which is a homosysteine blocker), vitamin C, E, K, eat wild fish rich in omega 3 oils, insist on fresh organic food, drink filtered water only, clean house of moulds, dust, toxic vapors from carpets etc. There's no money in it and they risk censure in telling you. Instead they'll tell you to go on some low fat (harmful) diet, low salt (insane), low cholesterol (as though there's even a modicum of proof that this is at all related to heart disease) and take lipitor. After you have your heart attack the first thing they do is put you on a saline drip to restore your electrolytic balance that was disrupted from the low salt diet. They do some expensive things, you think you're OK and off you go only to have you go back on some dangerous statin drug that depletes your CoQ10 levels which probably caused your heart attack in the first place. You'll be told not to eat eggs which are a fantastic source of B vitamins, protein, enzymes and fats. They need repeat customers after all...

Bet you didn't learn that in health class!

Re: Re: Spartacus, Vitamin C or Vitamin D?

"We need only examine the lifestyles of the healthiest people throughout history and do likewise. Nature does a wonderful job is we learn to trust the creator who designed us to be a part of it."

That makes alot of sense. I appreciate your response. Are you familiar with Ivan Illich's Medical Nemesis (book)?


Re: Re: Re: Spartacus, Vitamin C or Vitamin D?

I haver a copy of it and I only had time to read the first chapter. It has a very dense style of writing. I don't entirely dismiss the medical profession (as Illich seems to do) just as I don't entirely dismiss the teaching profession. Both can be practiced by spectacular people and to the benefit of their community in a manner worthy of respect. Too bad that two absolutely vital professions have been corrupted beyond people's wildest imaginations!

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