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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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Re: Ron

"How close are you to completing your book?" Let me take the long way round. I follow a method taught to screen writers sometimes. Scene by scene I exhaustively map out my book. After that I do the finish in one or two passes.
The gut wrenching part of the book is in that first scene by scene mapping. I am presently mapping out the last third of the book. That should be complete before spring and the entire book finished by next Christmas.
For several reasons I got interested in gifted education but defined "gifted" pretty broadly. In the definition I am using the smartest 2.5 million people in Canada would be gifted. That would be equal to what -- the entire population of Greater Toronto?
If you read Gatto, Bauer, and Wise IMHO you pretty much have drawn a circle around the academic education side of things.
However, there are a couple of complicating factors in my theme. Studies show that population, everywhere, is forming its own neighborhoods. Sometimes those neighborhoods are physical and sometimes virtual.
I believe that one outstanding characteristic of that population in neighborhood is the speed with which they learn from each other. If you read UHAE I have in mind a process somewhat like Mr. Gatto described as the dialectic of the early Congregational Church in America and probably elsewhere.
That led me in to health, sex (relationships really) money management and so on. After that I had to avoid utopianism because I doubt very much it will be a utopia -- just a step beyond as homo sap was an advance over the neanderthal.
Back to our muttons. As you can tell from this thread. I have gotten interested in Mr. Gatto and Lee Harris' views on society and the role of religion.
Religion along with its other roles appears to be the enabling agent that allows men (mankind) to work together in trust when religion is able to establish expectations of honor and integrity among the population.
Mr. Gatto, I believe, also made the point that according to Bismark the army should be about the same size as the prison population.
I would love to read more on Bismark's thoughts about the Army and prisons.
My interpretation of the world and of Mr. Gatto's comments are that we will always have the criminal with us as we did during and after Katrina. They will always band together to cow the timid. However, there always seems to be an equal number of warriors that will band together to stop the criminal.
However the warriors will be governed by their moral or religious upbringing and not infringe upon morality.


Glad you're on your final phaze of your book. Keep us tuned on your progress Ron :-)

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Replying to:

"How close are you to completing your book?" Let me take the long way round. I follow a method taught to screen writers sometimes. Scene by scene I exhaustively map out my book. After that I do the finish in one or two passes.
The gut wrenching part of the book is in that first scene by scene mapping. I am presently mapping out the last third of the book. That should be complete before spring and the entire book finished by next Christmas.
For several reasons I got interested in gifted education but defined "gifted" pretty broadly. In the definition I am using the smartest 2.5 million people in Canada would be gifted. That would be equal to what -- the entire population of Greater Toronto?
If you read Gatto, Bauer, and Wise IMHO you pretty much have drawn a circle around the academic education side of things.
However, there are a couple of complicating factors in my theme. Studies show that population, everywhere, is forming its own neighborhoods. Sometimes those neighborhoods are physical and sometimes virtual.
I believe that one outstanding characteristic of that population in neighborhood is the speed with which they learn from each other. If you read UHAE I have in mind a process somewhat like Mr. Gatto described as the dialectic of the early Congregational Church in America and probably elsewhere.
That led me in to health, sex (relationships really) money management and so on. After that I had to avoid utopianism because I doubt very much it will be a utopia -- just a step beyond as homo sap was an advance over the neanderthal.
Back to our muttons. As you can tell from this thread. I have gotten interested in Mr. Gatto and Lee Harris' views on society and the role of religion.
Religion along with its other roles appears to be the enabling agent that allows men (mankind) to work together in trust when religion is able to establish expectations of honor and integrity among the population.
Mr. Gatto, I believe, also made the point that according to Bismark the army should be about the same size as the prison population.
I would love to read more on Bismark's thoughts about the Army and prisons.
My interpretation of the world and of Mr. Gatto's comments are that we will always have the criminal with us as we did during and after Katrina. They will always band together to cow the timid. However, there always seems to be an equal number of warriors that will band together to stop the criminal.
However the warriors will be governed by their moral or religious upbringing and not infringe upon morality.

Re: Great.....

"Glad you're on your final phaze of your book. Keep us tuned on your progress Ron :-)"
Are you the one that turned me on to Teenage Liberation Handbook. I want to use that book to introduce my hero but it is a son of a gun to get delivered over Christmas.

Re: Re: Great.....

No Ron, wasn't me who brought the book to your attention. Visiting this board for the past few years, I've noticed many people recomend the "Teenage Liberation Handbook", sounds like a good read. Our kids were liberated many years ago, you know me semi well as to how they were rescued. Reading about things in "books" is educational but the ability to READ ones' children and listen to them as they grow and I mean really "listen", can't come from a stranger who writes "best seller" books for profit.

Hopefully you get the book delivered but somehow I don't think it will slow your "hero" down if you surpas the Christmas rush ;-)

Your book sounds like it may be a read that our family will enjoy. Keep ~ plugging away, you'll finish it by next Christmas, right? Do you have a publisher or are you on your own? Editing your own work is a pain, do you have help with the editing?

I won't ask who your "hero" is, we'll wait until you publish your book :-)

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Replying to:

"Glad you're on your final phaze of your book. Keep us tuned on your progress Ron "
Are you the one that turned me on to Teenage Liberation Handbook. I want to use that book to introduce my hero but it is a son of a gun to get delivered over Christmas.

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