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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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Teacher`s under government control.

This is to show how teachers have forgotten how to teach except from government controlled script. The following two things happened to me and my daughter and granddaughter some twenty five years apart. In the early seventies, my daughter was going to school in Fullerton Calif.. She was learning division in math class. She came home one day with a homework assignment. When she completed it, she brought it to me to review. Every answer was wrong. I tried to figure out how she was working the problems. I could not make heads or tails of it. Finaly, I sat her down and taught her how to do division. I then rewrote the problems on a fresh piecr of paper, and told her to work them again. Surprise surprise. Every answer was correct. I then procceded to show her how she could do this, no matter how big or how many numbers she was working with. At this point I was mad. I decided to confront the teacher. When I asked the teacher what he was trying to teach, he told me that it was not important if the answer was right, but how they got to the answer. I ciuld not believe what I was hearing. If you are going to use math to accomplish something, anything, if the answer is wrong, the result of what you are doing will be wrong. The teacher did not seem to understand that concept. What I am saying is, the teacher was teaching what the government wanted, not what he should have known was right. The second incident took place with my granddaughter some twenty five years later in Lakeport Calif.. Once again, math class. once again, division. My granddaughter brought home her math homework. As always, she finished and brought it to me for review. Basically the answers were right except for one thing, all of the answers had a zero in front of them but were supposed to be whole numbers. I asked her why this was. She is a smart girl. She said that was how the teacher said it was supposed to be. She could not understand why either. I then went to the school and confronted the teacher. I tried to show her that if you put a zero in front of a number, that it denotes a fraction of the number. I told her that if you put a number on say a blueprint for a structure, the contractor is going to think that this is not a whole number. Where is the decimal point? This teacher was around forty years old. She should have known better. Her answer to me was, that is what the book says to do. Teachers are supposed to be smart and be able to use common sense. Not so in today`s world. The text books that are being used today are wrong, and are approved by the government. Our children are being taught what the government wants. With each new generation being dumbed down a little bit more, the powers to be gain more control over the masses. Two things the government wants are control over the money and the people. They have proven that they know how to get it. We the people are the only ones that can stop it.

Re: Teacher`s under government control.

absolutely sad. Would you mind if I sent to people on my email list? I will with hold the name of course.

Re: Teacher`s under government control.

Instead of having "answers" on a math test, they should just call them "impressions," and if you got a different "impression," so what, can't we all be brothers?

Re: Teacher`s under government control.

RE; Math in our elementary schools.

Most people don't know this. In America, elementary school teachers are not required to be proficient in math. Math Proficiency is not required until high school. Most elementary teachers don't have math background, so they really don't feel confortable teaching math. Some even have math anxiety. Hence they're stuck depending heavily on the instruction book and answer sheet. Some don't realize that 8/7 is equivalent to 1 1/7. If the answer sheet says the answer is 1 1/7, then 8/7 is wrong. Math anxiety is a growing concern. I believe it has kept people as employees where their pay check is calculated for them. Even the tax code is set up for the Educated (business owners) and the uneducated (employees).

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