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Hi Raul

I was a grumpy ole schmuck yesterday, and sincerly apologize for being such a jerk to you. A few things happened this week which I explained to Anon in Daves' thread.

I've learned a lot from you and everyone on this board as well. I disagree, I think you are just as sharp as any of the folks on this board, your thinking isn't flawed, mine was, sorry.

It's tax time, we're self employed, need I say more to explain my gumpyness ;-) Our income is a smidgen over the "Poverty line". Here, if income is at the "Poverty Line" we qualify for FREE health care and other perks paid by taxpayers. Unfortunatly the system is flawed, whereas wealthy folks with expensive accountants are able to do write offs below the poverty level, which qualifies them for freebies. One neighbor does that, leases 4 vehicles including a Hummer and Mercedes, SUV for 19yo daughter and sports car for the 17. That's a small portion of their write offs of $2,400./month. Much much more.

Than we have "career" welfare families. There are Fourth generation people learning this career living in our area. Each generation teaches their children how to feed off tax dollars without working.
It's frustrating Raul.

Approx. 20 years ago, Alberta tried to legislate a "work" for welfare program which IMHO wasn't a bad plan. But~but~but the bleedin hearts and people on welfare complained so that plan was scrapped. I still remember the 300# (beer gut) guy wailing on the news, holding a can of beer, complaining about the idea of working for welfare.... eeeeeshhhh Those were the days when canned beer was very expensive. hummmm He didn't look hungry...

Than we have families who truly need help "temporarily" until they get back on track. The system gives those poor folks a difficult time because they aren't trained by the "career welfare experts" on how to deal with government paperwork. (scam) Those folks are the people we as individuals help out, & through food banks and shelters for abused women and children.

Glad you've helped in soup kitchens, it's quite an eye openner isn't it, sorry for assuming Raul. You know the old saying "never assume", it can make an ASS out of U or ME" ;-) This time it was ME ;-)

We need to hash issues like this one over, that's for sure. Raul , I really feel aweful for being such a cranky old bat yesterday. I took my frustration of what went on here out on you and I'm sorry. Next time the neighbor woman boots her kids out for the night to entertain a "friend", leaving them without a place to stay, I'll pay her a visit, rather than giving you a hard time Her kids are 18 and 20, have jobs & pay room and board. Dh, DD & I thought that was a horrible thing to do to them. They stayed with us last night.

Rewinding back to your original question.

"What do we owe the poor or what are the poor owed?"

I'll have to get back to you Raul. Going to run this question by kiddo this week and see what her thoughts are. You already heard my blahh~blah~blahh , would be interesting to hear what a 16 year old thinks..

Bobby in Canuckville enjoying the sounds of
spring finally

Re: Re: Re: What do we owe the poor? Raul , we are poor !!! AND do not rely on taxpayer handouts


That was great! I could'nt have put it better myself! I volunteer for a local counciling charity, but also like to stop and chat with 'down & outs' on the street, not just giving money, but me time and company - for what thats worth! Just thought I'd ahare that with you.

Love Sid

Re: What do we owe the poor?

I'm poor- monetarily speaking- AND I volunteer in "soup kitchens" AND nobody owes me squat.

People who want housing can, in this countey, get it.
People who want food can, in this country, get it.

Re: What do we owe the poor?

Regard for their dignity, acknowledgement that dignity isn't tied to financial worth.
Beyond that, we must decide our own moral responsibility.

Let them eat cake, like the stale $30,000 slice of Wallace Simpson's wedding cake auctioned off

Don't mind me. Off to play tennis now. If more people played tennis or racquet ball, there'd probably be less aggression off the court.

George Bush and Pat Robertson owe perpetual multiplication of loaves & fishes

With explicit instructions from God or bleeding hearts not to feed the tired, the poor and the hungry to the sharks while toasting success at a fishy pole.

Re: What do we owe the poor?

Our respect,and help when they need us....

Raul , you are bossy & arrogant,,,, Are you a schoolteacher?

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Replying to:

or, what are the poor owed?

can you answer this in a brief paragraph, no sound-bites (or one-liners) or links (summarize it if it makes your point)?

Re: What do "we" owe the poor?

Another member of "the poor", here. There have been times when I raided the pantry to bring staple foodstuffs to a neighbor who was waiting for the foodstamp application to be approved. Or did childcare so someone could look for work. And we often trade resources - lumber for tin, childcare for yard work, housekeeping for automotive repair, heck I've traded work for food in both directions! Owe, hell! When money is not the only medium of exchange, we're rich!

Re: What do we owe the poor?

I was wondering the other day if a kind of homesteading program would be successful. We'll give you land and tools, you farm for x number of years, and it's all yours.

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