"Online Store - Premium Pewter Miniatures in the newer 28mm to 30mm scale"
28mm scale? No they're not!
I bought Cersei Lannister (by Tom Meier)and she stands a hulking 37mm's tall! 28mm scale indeed. These minis are 40mm scale. ;-)
But you know what? It doesn't matter one bit. I am blown away by the ultra-fine detail and true proportions; she stands tall as an amazon next to 28mm wargaming miniatures but she's incredibly slender. Those hands are so tiny they are the size of the THUMBS on some of my other minis!
If I have only one criticism, it's that most people seeing these miniatures in stores aren't going to realize just how finely detailed they are without the aid of a magnifying glass.
The size/scale statement originates more from Reaper calling their miniatures 25mm Heroic scale. Most of their models are actually around 34-35 mm tall.
Dark Sword designed our models to fit next to their models way back in 2002 when we launched.
Your comments are interesting as many miniature companies will smoosh their minis down to around a 32mm scale, but often times have the "big head, big hands, big feet to allow for big weapons" thing going on. At this point it starts to become a characature or exagerated miniature.
Our minis will be a tad taller than a good number of gaming scale miniatures(25mm to 32mm or whatever a company is calling them), but the heads and such will actually be the same size or smaller as we go for more of a realistic proportion to our minis.
Keep in mind that Cersei is around 6 feet tall (Jaime is 6 foot 4) in the GRRM books as well. She is not an average sized woman. Catelyn is around 34mm tall for instance.
This is why I call our minis gaming scale. They will fit right alongside most modern ranges like Reaper, GW, Privateer, Kingdom Death, McVey, CMON, etc. But they will not fit in with old school true 28mm minis (which are actually more 30mm tall) from Partha and such.
Measure some of your minis up with mm' ruler sometime. It will really open your eyes.
Great! I like Arstan and Belwas, others are good too. There is only one small mistake- Whitebeard's name's ArstAn, not ArstOn.
And please, don't tell me, that this fat, ugly Lady in Waiting (# 3 - Perfume Bottle) is supposed to be Taena of Myr