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Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Hi there. New Releases in our Online Store and at the Source in MN (all 17 of the Gen Con releases).

So plenty of great stuff to check out...

Tom and I actually chatted about this (and horses) the other day. Dire Wolves are up next (all of them in one shot) when the kids go back to school and he gets time in the day to sculpt.

So hopefully we can tackle this after the Dire Wolves and also sprinkle in more characters along the way. I know Jeff Grace wants to do some really cool generic knights for the GRRM range as well - so lots of stuff on the planning table at the moment...


Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Wahoo!!! Mounted Knights. My knights are getting pretty tired of using coconuts.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

excellent timing - I was planning on posting this morning to bug you for an update. Guess I will be heading to the Source at noon. Very glad GenCon was a success for you. Some very nice releases in this set - Love the Greatjon. seated Stannis is less useful for me, but I'll end up getting him anyway....

So do I understand correctly that now Tom is doing the direwolves? if so that is excellent news - the normal wolves he did for thunderbolt mountain are sooooo good.

ooo more good news. Looks like I need to get back to fleshing out my rules system.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Any chance we could get at least the mounted versions in more conventional 28mm size?


Re: Game Of Thrones minis

I'm looking at your today (April 24) releases, and i feel growing disapointment. Am I only one who feel, that expanding critters line is wasting your time and resources? And nothing new from GRRM line. You seems don't really like "A Song of..." fans??

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

We had a 54mm GRRM Diorama Release with these new releases. Jon Snow and Arya Stark.

In addition, Tom Meier is the main sculptor on the GRRM Masterworks line for characters so we have to work in pieces for him as his schedule permits. He has a long list of new pieces to work on, but he has a very booked schedule at this moment in time. Rickon, Lady and ShaggyDog are all complete along with a Variant Young Robert with a Surcoat. They will be released very soon. Tom has his hit list on next minis, it is simply a question of him making time to get them sculpted up. In addition, we are going to do more generic (and modular troop types) with some of the other sculptors Dark Sword works with. Lots of stuff in the pipeline so no worries there.

The Critters are sculpted by different sculptors so there is no issue of what line to work on. Dave Summers is 100% critters along with Jason Wiebe.



Re: Game Of Thrones minis

That's good news. Hopefuly, you don't take issue because of my concerns. I'm still big fan of yours.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Do you have plans for characters other than ASOIAF, for example Dunk & Egg , or Blackfyre rebelion?

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

I want to do Dunk and Egg for sure.



Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Any chance of a young ned stark and an arthur dayne set? That would be great!

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Hi there. Nothing on the radar on those two at this time. There are so many great characters we need to sculpt up first.



Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Are there any plans for mounted figures in the near future? I know I've asked this in the past and hate to be a pest about it. I feel that this line is incomplete without mounted characters.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

A Mounted Khal Drogo is on the list for the next minis for Tom Meier to sculpt up when he comes up for air. Beyond that, just chatter about mounted knights (nothing on the list yet).

The "list" is characters (and unnamed minis) George, myself and Tom discuss for the next round of minis to actually be sculpted up. Call it the immediate pipeline if you will. All sorts of stuff has been kicked around of course. And with enough Tom Meier free time (or Jeff Grace), we can get more stuff loaded into the pipeline. But we tend to keep the pipeline around 8 minis so it is not so much that it becomes daunting to Tom.

So Khal is indeed coming sometime this year once Tom frees up.


Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Mounted Khal!! That's a news!
Any hint what's on the "list"?
I would like to see a Small Council and Kingsguard from the begining of the Saga, or just before begining.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

I guess, Khal won't come this year. But i hope, he will come soon. Waymar Royce- that's a big suprice. I don't think that anyone expected this character. Drogo, Ser Jorah, Davos, Tullys, Boltons maybe...

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Khal will be 2013 now.

Ser Jorah is done. So is Strong Bellwaas. And Margary Tyrell.

And a few more...

Stay tuned.



Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Great. Jorah, Belwas, Margaery... maybee not on the top of my wish list, but close enough. Especialy Margaery.

Now we only need her other husbands :-)

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

"Online Store - Premium Pewter Miniatures in the newer 28mm to 30mm scale"

28mm scale? No they're not!

I bought Cersei Lannister (by Tom Meier)and she stands a hulking 37mm's tall! 28mm scale indeed. These minis are 40mm scale. ;-)

But you know what? It doesn't matter one bit. I am blown away by the ultra-fine detail and true proportions; she stands tall as an amazon next to 28mm wargaming miniatures but she's incredibly slender. Those hands are so tiny they are the size of the THUMBS on some of my other minis!

If I have only one criticism, it's that most people seeing these miniatures in stores aren't going to realize just how finely detailed they are without the aid of a magnifying glass.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Hi Ninja -

The size/scale statement originates more from Reaper calling their miniatures 25mm Heroic scale. Most of their models are actually around 34-35 mm tall.

Dark Sword designed our models to fit next to their models way back in 2002 when we launched.

Your comments are interesting as many miniature companies will smoosh their minis down to around a 32mm scale, but often times have the "big head, big hands, big feet to allow for big weapons" thing going on. At this point it starts to become a characature or exagerated miniature.

Our minis will be a tad taller than a good number of gaming scale miniatures(25mm to 32mm or whatever a company is calling them), but the heads and such will actually be the same size or smaller as we go for more of a realistic proportion to our minis.

Keep in mind that Cersei is around 6 feet tall (Jaime is 6 foot 4) in the GRRM books as well. She is not an average sized woman. Catelyn is around 34mm tall for instance.

This is why I call our minis gaming scale. They will fit right alongside most modern ranges like Reaper, GW, Privateer, Kingdom Death, McVey, CMON, etc. But they will not fit in with old school true 28mm minis (which are actually more 30mm tall) from Partha and such.

Measure some of your minis up with mm' ruler sometime. It will really open your eyes.

Thanks for the kind words.


Re: Game Of Thrones minis

When is Strong Belwas et al. going to be available for purchase? Saw him on Facebook a while back.

Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Very soon....


Re: Game Of Thrones minis

And we now have 8 brand new GRRM Masterworks models posted up in our Online Store and they are all here for shipping off. Check em' out!


Re: Game Of Thrones minis

Great! I like Arstan and Belwas, others are good too. There is only one small mistake- Whitebeard's name's ArstAn, not ArstOn.
And please, don't tell me, that this fat, ugly Lady in Waiting (# 3 - Perfume Bottle) is supposed to be Taena of Myr