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G.R.R.Martin mounted?

Any chances we will eventually see some of the G.R.R.Martin characters mounted on horses? I can see great diarama possibilities with Robb Stark or Jaime Lannister on Warhorses. or even Loras and Gregor.

Gloria Invictus

Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

Hi Andrew -

This is something Tom and I have been discussing as of late actually.

I do not know if the demand will be there for mounted minis (as they will run $19.99 each minimum) but we want to try some out as George REALLY likes the idea of mounted minis (Kal, knights, etc.) and they would indeed spice the line up. My concern is limited sculpting time from Tom and Jeff and would people rather see two new non-mounted character figs or one new mounted character fig from Tom in any given month? There are so many outstanding character pieces we need to get to that doing mounted minis is like going at half-speed as the horse takes the same amount of time (if not more) as the character itself.

It would not be until Gen Con 2010 at the earliest for mounted figs, so we have a good 10 months to sort this out...

Hey, I brought in some copies of the Hot Lead Painting DVD set into the Source today - if you do not have a set yet, I cannot recommend it enough. It is amazing.



Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

Hey Jim,
Thanks for the reply.

Personally for me 19.99 for a mounted figure isn't an issue, I could see paying 24.99 actually, but thats probably the top end. I can see where it might be a concern for the general collecting public.

You're absolutely right, its a tough call on whether I would prefer to see a mounted version of a character already released or 2 new ones from Tom. I wonder if there are any sculptors out there who could do really good horses that would match up in style with Toms humans, or maybe Tom could do a couple of "blanks" and then just add armor and details to them? I don't know if that actually is more time effecient or not. In most cases the torsoes of the released un-mounted figures could be used for the basic mounted figure, most would only need the legs and lower body resculpted by Tom. Anyway, I'm sure you've thought of all that already.

Thanks for the info on the DVD, I'll have to check it out.

On a side note: have you seen the "Seraphine Le Roux" sculpt for Studio McVey sculpted by Jacques-Alexandre Gillios. Absolutley brilliantly beautiful work and fits in perfectly scale wise and detail wise with Meiers Martin work.


Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

I'm glad to see someone else feels that Knights should have horses. I'd pay extra for mounted knights, especially if Tom does them. I have all of the Arthur series by Thunderbolt minis, and believe their some of the best on the market.
There is nothing sadder than a Knight without a horse, unless its in a Monty Python movie.

Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

George and I talked about mounted knights over the weekend in Fargo, ND at ValleyCon 2009. It is in the works for sometime in 2010 before Gen Con Indy.

I did indeed see that McVey piece. The sculpt is nice, but limited edition resin has never really floated by boat. Resin is not really my cup of tea as I grew up on lead and then pewter. I like the feel/heft of metal. I do collect the GW plastic Lord of the Rings minis, but that is about it. Plus the subject matter of her is a tad limited for my personal tastes of classic fantasy.

The execution of everything is spot-on and I am sure they will do well with the piece. Did you snap one up?

Talk to you both soon.



Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

Thats absolutley great news. I will be saving my pennies for those.

I know where you're coming from re: resin. I also prefer the heft of metal, but I really couldn't pass this one up. I did end up buying one - its even better in the flesh. Can't wait to get it painted up.


Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

What is the status of the planned mounted knights? Should we expect to see any this year?

Re: G.R.R.Martin mounted?

Most likely nothing in 2010.

Tom Meier has been pulled in some different areas from early 2010 to present as he wraps up previous engagements. Recently he has been catching up on some Thunderbolt stuff for Gen Con Indy in 2 weeks.

But it is for sure on the radar so no worries there...

Warm Regards,
