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More Dark Sword spoilers from GRRM's blog?

Recent excerpt from GRRM's Not-A-Blog:
"For the miniature collectors out there, Dark Sword has four more figures in the pipeline for our Ice & Fire range -- gorgeous greens of Aeron Damphair and his brother Victarion from Jeff Grace, and spectacular sculpts of the Mountain That Rides and the Red Viper of Dorne in their famous duel, from Tom Meier."

1) When can we see some pix?
2) When can we order some?

for (1) I'm just curious, but for (2) I'm asking because I'm trying to decide whether I can wait that long to order the new Asha and Yrgitte minis so's to combine shipping. IIRC Jim also mentioned there would be Stark Direwolves this fall sometime?

I know, I know, I should wait for the next update to the main page when something "official" might get revealed, but George keeps giving us these teasers on his non-blog and I can't help but get curious...

Thanks for any advance info,

Re: More Dark Sword spoilers from GRRM's blog?

Hi there.

These would be around 5-6 weeks out for sure in terms of being able to order them up on the site.

George likes to tease, no question about it.

I will have some green pics on our site this weekend on Sunday night so check back then.

I hope to have the first Dire Wolf pic up in mid-Oct as well.



Re: Love those new greens

Wow, the Mountain and Red Viper greens are up and they look great! And you even managed to post them before they went up on George's not-a-blog! :o)

Can't wait to add them to my collection, along with Asha, Yrgitte, Victarion, and Aeron. Heck, I've been debating whether or not to order just those once they're all available, or to wait for the direwolf/wolves to be released too. Now I hear Brienne is also coming up soon. Ack! This is shaping up to be a big order... or maybe two.

Gregor will come with two heads and two left arm options so you can either have him outfitted for his battle vs. The Red Viper or in the scuffle against his brother The Hound.

Squeeeee! Jim, is there any way we can also get a shot or 2 of the Montain and the Hound together, like the ones you posted of the Mountain and the Red Viper? You never know; it might even help you sell multiple copies of all 3 of them to more collectors/dioramists, so that we can have single minis of each of them painted up for gaming/display as well as both potential Mountain-related dioramas built...
