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Just got my new GRRM package, am loving it!

Well, I just got my new GRRM minis in the mail yesterday and they are FANTASTIC, just as expected!

So far I've got all the GRRM minis (other than the two that are in 54mm scale). These new ones include the 2 Hedge Knights, Theon, Tyrion, and the Direwolf Diorama set, for the record. They also threw in another mini as free swag as usual (gotta love that!), though in my excitement I've forgotten her name, as well as a super cute & tiny but oh-so-sad "Baby Lillian Angel" tribute mini, which I had thought came free only with slightly larger orders than mine.

If they're not careful, I might just have to keep on buying minis from Dark Sword! Now I just have to get painting a bunch of those other companies' minis I've got lying around, until I hopefully get good enough to try my hand at some of these masterpieces!

PS. Am I the only person who uses these forums or what?! The next newest post is mine too... from a month-and-a-half ago! I don't get it - by all rights this place ought to be be crawling with traffic.
