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Love the new releases, but.....

I love the new minis from the GRRM line!!! In particular, the Daenerys figure is just about the best think I've ever seen in miniature (slight blush). However, I generally prefere females with rather more of their hair still on their heads. Not that there is anything wrong with a little baldness, but I consider looking at my own reflection every morning to be an adequate dosage for an adult in good health ;). Is there any possibility for a version of Ms. Daenerys with a full head of hair?

Re: Love the new releases, but.....

We will for sure be doing Daenerys fully clothed and with hair. It will most likely be from later in the books.

Tom had a vision with this piece around the 54mm scale and the 28mm scale so I just let him run with it as I thought the idea sounded like a very interesting diorama type mini. We did discuss the hair thing quite a bit and this is where the idea of Daenerys just on her own with a full head of hair came about.

