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5th anniversary miniature

Hi I am just enquiring if the 5th anniversary miniature that was sold at GenCon will be available for sale through the web store?

Re: 5th anniversary miniature

Hi there.

Your timing is perfect as it is now in our Online Store along with 15 other new releases.

So you can order up your copy (or two copies as many people did at Gen Con)right now.



Re: 5th anniversary miniature

yea, I just picked up Melissa at The Source. great mini, very nice casting, can't believe those seperate fingers cast as well as they did - excellent job.


Re: 5th anniversary miniature

First of all, great miniature. I am really impress with the detailed sculpts of your line. You should be very proud.

I have a question on the Melissa model.

The fingers on the left hand look very delicate and stylized. While looking at the pieces on the "green" page, it looks like the left hand is flat, like a salute. (the last green pic)

What will the final miniature's hand look like? Does the painter need to separate the fingers to get the same stylized look to the left hand?

Thank you

Patrick Chambers

Re: 5th anniversary miniature

The fingers actually are seperated so they look exactly like those in the pictures of the tinned metal.