Hi, i am impressed with the quality of the miniatures i see here. That said before i do buy some i'd need to know the real scale they are cast in.
Let's say, compared to the "cartoony" fantasy 28-30 of games workshop, how do these compare when put side by side?
P.S. i'd really like more amazons :)
and if i was to give imput for inspiration, Varia from Xena series is just perfect. (some videos on youtube on her, and there is a small wiki article with a picture).
Okay, most of the Darksword Mini's are around 25-28mm scale but with more realistic proportions so they'll look smaller next to more exagerated models. I believe some of the Limited Edition amazons are cast in a slightly larger scale (say, 30/32mm) but I'm not 100% certain on that.
I could get out a tapemeasure and check if you like but I hope my rough estimate helped anyway.
you can find information like this in our European catalog for Dark Sword Miniatures. We've added a detailled list of properties for almost every single miniature including the size with and without the base on http://www.miniature-land.com/
The Elmore Amazon measures 30 mm from the bottom of the base to the top of the head and 26 mm from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head, see:
The Caldwell Amazone measures 35mm / 31mm:
Please bear in mind that this isn't the standard of determining the "scale" of a miniature. Usually, the scale of 28 mm (GW standard) is measured from the bottom of the feet to the eye line. Personally, I think the data we provide is more accurate and helpful for estimating whether a character fits into a diorama, army, party, or setting than the height to the eye line. So, Dark Sword Miniatures fit perfectly into almost every newer standard scale miniature line like the ones manufactured by Reaper, GW or others. Only the height of the sculpted bases might lift the miniature up above the heads of other miniatures. If this is the case for a miniature you are interested in can easily be detected with our small fact sheet for every DS miniature.
PS: Also try our Dark Sword Miniature Search "Mini Finder" to find a miniature for your character.
The scale on our minis does indeed fit right into almost every major company out there today.
We do not fit in with Rackham miniatures as their figs are pushing the 40mm scale. But we do fit right in with almost everyone else.
If you want to really have your eyes opened, go buy a $1.00 Tailors tape measure that has mm on one side and measure up your minis from other companies.
The 25mm - 28mm scale is a general scale these days. With scale creep and the simple fact that the larger the mini, the easier it is to sculpt appropriate detail on it, it is now at a point in the industry where some sculptors simply sculpt larger.
So if i take the Black Witch, 37/31 and the 2005 elmore amazon 30/26, are they "proportionally speaking" the same scale or would they look out of scale when fielded side by side? I know that the amazon is half crouched, but i mean the size of limbs, head etc.
All the Dark Sword miniatures are generally of a homogeneous scale. Personally, I've got the impression that some of the Dennis Mize sculpts are indeed a tiny bit smaller than some of Tom Meier's miniatures - but definitely not "out of scale". And this will not influence the perception of the overall scale, I think. After all, humans aren't exactly all of the same size either. 2 or 3 mm difference means a (barely visible) difference of less than 10% of the overall size. That's comparable to the natural variation in human size (or even less than the average variation between 1.6-1.8 m or 5 ft 2'' - 5 ft 9''). Especially the quality of the sculpts will be a guarantee that these two minis fit together. No one will think that these minis are of a different scale even in direct comparison, I guess. The difference of a few Millimeters between these two miniatures is indeed mainly due to the fact that the amazon is half crouched.