Theres a new sheriff in town and his name is Jeff Grace.
Wow, slam a Jeff Grace miniature into a Marike R. paint job and you get one hell of finished product.
With all the deserved respect to the late Dennis Mize, I believe his student has taken the bar a step higher which would have made him proud. I hope Jeff continues to crank out great models here, after seeing the greens I knew he was good, seeing them painted, I now think he may be the best at 28mm females. Great job Darksword, keep on cranking out the masterpieces. My prediction for 2007 is that the latest Elmore series by Jeff Grace will win some awards.
Wow! Thanks for the kind words. I will be sure have Jeff check this post out personally.
Jeff is indeed stepping into the line and making it his own. Dennis would be proud of what Jeff is doing with this line.
Jeff is one of those sculptors who was never pushed this hard to step their game up and showcase their true skills. Being a big fan of Dennis, Tom and Dave - Jeff really went round and round making sure he got it right on the very first mini. Dark Sword works with very few sculptors and we do this on purpose because we devote alot of time, effort and reference materials to each sculptor to ensure success. But at the end of the day, the sculptor's dedication and skill level determine the end result. I just get them fired up about joining a pretty exclusive Dark Sword sculpting team.
Stay tuned for more Jeff Grace as he starts up Elmore Set # 10 and the 2008 Special Edition Elmore Miniature.