Well that was anice surprise. His style is definately different to Mr Mize's, in fact, it reminds me of those Neil McKenzie miniatures (the Ptolus range) which have a sort of cuddly rounded details Heorquest style to them and yet Mr Grace also echoes a lot of Denis' stylistic stuff although he seems to do slightly better hair. Dennis used to make the front nice but then whatever wasn't in the original concept art would just turn into this straight lump. Mr Grace seems to inject more of a natural flowing moving feeling into it (but I think he might've overemphasised the filligree designs on the armour a bit as they seem to stand out a little too much).
Hey all,
Ive said it on the Reaper message board and I'll say it again here, Jeff Grace does awsome work, he reaised the bar over at Reaper in my opinion with his great female Samuri and Vampiress noble, now this piece for Darksword is great as well, dare I even say better than alot of the others on here. Great slection Jim, you certainly have an eye for great talent with Jeff anf Tom doing humans and Summers(aka the dragonlord) sculpting up the big lizards.
Jeff does indeed fit into the Dark Sword style very well. I have had my eye on his work for a number of years now. Dennis Mize and Dave Summers trained Jeff back at Ral Partha so this is one of the key reasons his style fits in so well with the Dark Sword style which is in essence just a "dialed up" classic Partha style.
We also have Gael Goumon coming onboard (as you have seen on our homepage) with miniatures for Dark sword as well.