I'm interested in getting one or two of the Limited Edition Miniatures, but this isn't easy for someone in Austria.
None of my local gaming stores (yeah, I'm old school - support your local store!) seem to be able to get them.
Ordering them from Dark Sword isn't an option - $16 shipping for a miniature or two is, honestly, beyond excessive.
Ordering them from that German Miniaturenland place is likewise not an option. No idea what those bozos need an English site for if they don't even ship outside Germany.
So, my question:
Is there anywhere else in Europe (say, the UK, maybe?) that carries the limited edition figs, and might be able to ship one or two miniatures at a *gasp* reasonable cost?
I am positive that the German Miniaturenland site ships outside of Germany as this was the reason they did the English site (to service the rest of Europe as needed).
I bet what happened was that they did not update their shipping terms when they did the English site. I would check back with them on this. Ralph, if you are reading this - please chime in.
We do the flat $16.00 shipping as this was the avg. price of sending off a couple of boxed sets worldwide.
We have some folks who only order a couple items (in which case I will throw in some extra Dark Sword swag to offset the difference in shipping costs) and we also have the other folks who order 5-6 boxed sets and a bunch of singles and they get a really good deal as the shipping runs $25.00 to $40.00 depending on what they ordered - but they only pay $16.00.
The other option is to get some of your friends who want Dark Sword and do a joint order to keep your costs down.
Oh, but getting friends to join for an order is pretty tricky when just about anyone you know who collects minis lives in another country these days...
I did go through most of the order process with Miniaturenland, only to find out the shopping card system tells me they don't ship outside Germany. If they do ship outside Germany, the online ordering system does need fixing, urgently.
(Btw, the store isn't actually in English, just the remainder of the pages.)
I'm somewhat surprised no one from the UK seems to have worked out a deal with you that encompasses the limited figs.
Ah well, maybe wait for one of the new boxes and order overseas...
Incidentally, is may be just me, but Tom Meier's sculpt of the summoner looks both older and much darker/more sinister than Keith's orginal drawing, which is a pity.
Hi there,
we just launched our English website at http://www.miniaturenland.com (there is a language selection on top of the page), but we weren't able to adjust the store system to support international shipping yet. We are working on extending the shop system appropriately.
For the time being, just contact us directly via e-mail (info@miniaturenland.de) for a quote of the shipping costs and the terms & conditions. We can ship to every European country.
we are proud to announce that we launched the Store on our English website for Dark Sword miniatures. From now on, we ship to every European country at a flat 8 Euro shipping charge.
Visit us at http://www.miniaturenland.com/shop.html
(or select "Online Store" in the navigation menu)
With friendly permission of Dark Sword Miniatures, Inc. we are even able to present the Limited Edition miniatures to our European customers. So don't miss to stop by at miniaturenland.com!
Selbstverständlich kann ab sofort auch in unserem deutschen Online-Shop der internationale Versand (z.B nach Österreich) ausgewählt werden.