Re: Do people like the cleaned up flow of the site better?
I'd definately call it an improvement although I've a niggling feeling that it might also be nice to be able to go to one place and see all the miniatures painted by a specific painter.
I'm definately liking the current changes 'though :).
Re: Do people like the cleaned up flow of the site better?
You have made some nice improvements to the site.
However it is in MY opinion, that after looking around the DS web site, durring that process I have about 18 opend instances of my browser. (Using Firefox)
In the Dreamweaver program when creating links, use the target feature _self rather than the _blank. This way you don't have to open a new page for your browser. The _blank command should be used to goto diffrent subsections like say the 'forum', or to goto the online store. This way the use of the BACK button is far more usefull.
All the rest, make the links _self or _parent.
This is used more for the Gallery, or sneek peek area for your new shots.
And just cause you asked about the cleanup, you should seriously consider swithcing to a .php layout, or a CMS system that will allow all your pages to LOOK the same, and yet still be able to use the raw HTML edit features that you are used to inside of dreamweaver.
I think that you mentioned that in the past that you used Dreamweaver once before as your HTML editor.
P.S. - Good luck at the show (Gen Con) and release that Summoner ASAP!