Re: Feedback on the Elmore Dragons Set # 2 by Federico
Hi Jim,
could you please post a link to the pics of that painted dragon? It's not linked in the fan submissions gallery and I don't know where to look for it elsewhere.
Thank you.
Re: Feedback on the Elmore Dragons Set # 2 by Federico
Oh, got it - you put his dragon in the gallery with the official pics.
I love the icy look of the eyes! This dragon looks EVIL, indeed! IMHO the breast could use more shading - the big white rectangles don't fit into the fine overall look and it's too strong a contrast, though I see the idea to use the same color scheme as with the eyes. But the eyes don't have to match the color of breast, I think. The blacklining on the wings is a bit too strong for my taste as well. However, the hide is looking great - that "Tequila Sunrise" scheme at the wings and that shimmering effect of the highlighting on the body pushes that dragon to a very high level of a paint job. Well done, great interpretation of that dragon!
Re: Feedback on the Elmore Dragons Set # 2 by Federico
Ok, and now even Ralph saw the link and read the explanation for posting the pic in the official gallery
It might help to open the eyes when looking at the home page...
Re: Feedback on the Elmore Dragons Set # 2 by Federico
I like it; it is completely different from Sue's, but still very good. My only criticism would be that the teeth and horns seem dull, especially so when compared to the bright-white of the belly scales. Overall, though, I think the color palette Frederico choose for the mini is quite good, particularly in the blending in the wings.
Re: Feedback on the Elmore Dragons Set # 2 by Federico
Im the painter. Thanks for the kind comments. I painted this dragon up for Darksword to help promote the model. I feel they make some of the most detailed models in the industry and have good values as a company.
I used my own "Wind Dragon" technique. The idea is that the dragon looks like the colors of the sky, sunset body/wings, white, cloud belly and so on. I was going to do something simple (blue/or red dragon) at first but then said to myself "what the hey" and took a more wild/unorthadox aproach. I know the blacklining is dark on the wings and the belly is very bright, this is how I wanted it, stark contrasts. I want to thank Jim for putting my piece up on his site, very kind of him. Thanks to Dave the sculptor, very sweet model. As you can see I bent the tail of this model and the left arm to get a different pose, I encourage all to try this with dragons, sometimes you can make a good sculpt even more enhanced by a few simple bends.
Take it easy everyone- Federico