Hello, is there any chance there will be a up coming release of figures that has miniatures that are, well more dressed?
I do really like the detail on the new Parkinson/Meier #3 set, but I am not really a fan of half naked miniatures. I know you use original sketchs for the insperation of the sculpts though. Examples of my favorite miniatures from Dark Sword are: The two Vrykyls, Parkinson set#2 male knight, Parkinson set#1 lost prince, Caldwell set#1 bedlam's bard.
These are examples of miniatures I would really like to see.
We will for sure do more "clothed" miniatures. If you look over the Elmore sets, you will see many, many fully clothed miniatures. Same with most of the Parkinson sets. This Parkinson Set # 3 just turned into an "all-babe" set. No worries... Dark Sword is not going to do all half nudes from here on out.