So, the other day, I got this e-mail from DS, and I am reading along and come across this part.
"Gen Con Indy 2006 News for those of you who are going to attend
Dark Sword Miniatures will be at Gen Con Indy this year in the Elmore Island Booth like we have been for the past three years. We will have all sorts of great new products there! We also wanted to take this time to announce the Dark Sword Miniatures 1st place prize for the 2006 Gen Con Indy Painting Competition. For the overall 1st place prize for the Best Dark Sword Miniature/Diorama, we are offering a $100.00 cash & $100.00 product award with an additional option for another $100.00 cash & $100.00 in product for Dark Sword Miniatures to purchase the miniature from you for our display case if you do not mind parting with your winning Dark Sword entry. It don't get much better than walking away with $400.00 in cash and prizes for winning 1st place folks! We are also offering a prize for the new Hatchling catagory for those young painters 14 and under of $100.00 in product for best
overall Dark Sword Miniature/Diorama to help get their miniature collection kick-started. It should be a blast judging the entries this year."
Well done Jim! Well done indeed! I am glad to see that DS is now turning the corner, and getting into the mainstream!
I wish you the best, and I hope this "contest" works out well for DS! Because you folks got some great looking mini's and hopefully this will pan out for you to get your mini's the recognition that they deserve!
I am glad to see that the "Bases?" topics here in the forum have proven to be a big positive impact for DS!
Dark Sword has enjoyed great representation from some of the top painters out there at the Gen Con shows these past couple years. Lots of great talent out there and it is always very cool to see them do their take on a Dark Sword piece.
We like to put our money where our mouth is as well with solid prize support.