Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
Wanted to get people's thoughts on the new look for Dark Sword. It is not extreme as it is simply no dotted eyes and seperate sculpted bases. But wanted to gauge initial thoughts...
Granted - this is a semi-nude piece so do not let this cloud your judgement (good or bad).
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
Hm. I guess it depends on how the model is separate - is the woman separate from the stone she's leaning against, or is the stone & woman separate from the grass? If it's the woman that comes entirely seperate, I can't wait to see what kind of creative uses people come up for her..
The figure itself doesn't do much for me, but I'm glad she has no dotted eyes. The pose doesn't translate very well to miniture, she looks a bit awkward to me. =( Can't rightly complain about the oversized breasts, I suppose, since it's based on a piece of artwork with massive breasts..
Is that next year's amazon, or will she be part of the next box set?
And doesn't the advancing elf for the next Elmore box also have the smooth eye surface?
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
Hi Ali -
She is totally seperate from the base and the stone. So you can go wild with her.
She is the 2006 Elmore Amazon and will not be in a boxed set.
The Advancing Elf from Set #8 went back to Dennis for dotting the eyes as it was an error to not dot the eyes. We wanted to make a clean cut on the dotted eye issue so we kept Set # 8 all dotted eyes.
The pose of the mini will be A-ok once you have the metal copy to work with (it will fit onto the base and stone better). I did not want to press the green into the base too much (as it is much more fragile than metal).
Once you see the metal pics and the painted pics - you will like her much more (yes, she does have large breasts though - just like the painting).
Thanks for the feedback Ali!
You think you could paint one of these up with those great skin tones of yours?
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
I like the non dotted eyes. It allows painters more freedom over the eyes (and therefore over the expression). Separating the miniatures from the bases is also nice. The bases are lovely but a bit too big for normal gaming so being able to separate them or not (having some painted for display and some as toys) is also a nice idea.
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
Hey Jim!
Thanks for reminding me about the green! I had foolishly forgotten how the seperation would affect your ability to put her together for pictures. I look forward to the metal version.
I would love to paint this new one! Save one for me at GenCon. :) I keep meaning to get out that lovely caldwell amazon and paint her, too. I will get her out and on my desk so I will remember.. :)
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
I vote for no dotted eyes. Then again, I voted the wrong guy off the island on that TV show.. but who cares??
The figure 2006 Elmore Amazon looks f-n great! I can't wait to get this mini, though the pose is good to mimic the original art, I can see other ways to use this mini.
Perhaps as a small "water & wooded sceen", She's leaning on a old fallen tree. Perhaps some armor, laying about after a long days travel on a long and dust road... but in the water a pair of eyes are also looking at a possible meal?? Hmm yeah she will be a great addition.
Well done Jim! And as the old saying goes "Are we there yet?" When will she be out for sale??
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
I like the non-dotted eyes, but I'm torn over what's been done with the base. On one hand, having her completely separate from the base means that I could use that base for something else, which might prove interesting. But, if I just wanted to mount her on a 30mm round Dark Age style base, having her connected to the stone (and that separate from the base) would have been more convenient.
I agree with the comments on her pose; she looks awkward right now, but I'll reserve final judgement for when I have one in my hands. I'm hoping that it is just the nature of the fit of the green.
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
On the matter of separate BAses....
I'd just like a little clarification. Is this just for the newer releases or will you be going back and adapting some of the older ones to have separate bases too? I can see reasons both for and against such a course of action and thought I'd like to know which way you guys are planning on taking it.
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
That's okay. Simple answer to a simple question :). (And besides, I thought some of the old ones might be difficult to adapt, they're still lovely as they are).
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
I, for one, absolutely hate separate bases! Further, the prior consistancy in the moulded bases makes the DS miniatures unique - which I like very much!
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
Thanks for the feedback Mark. AS you can see, I myself am a big fan of the integrated base look myself.
If we do seperate bases (like Parkison Set # 3 and the 2006 Elmore Amazon), we will always try to make them look like an integrated base once you glue the mini on. There is no way I would (Without really good cause) change the look of our line mid-stream in terms of bases.
Re: Do people like the new non-dotted eye look with seperate base?
Non-dotted eyes is the way to go.
I also think separate bases is win-win, for those of us that like to maintain the artistic integrity of the master sculpture it's there, while allowing for conversions or alternate basing.