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LotR "Limited Editions"

A few weeks ago you (Dark Sword Miniatures) were asking if we (the paying customers) could obtain certain LotR limited edition miniatures that would soon be available over here in England. Well, they've actualy been available over here in England for at least two months now. My local gaming shop bought a load of them in when they became available and now they're not so available again. If you can provide me with a list I can go and see what we've got left (I know we've got Gimli seated on the dead Uruk Hai and that we don't have Gandalf on the cart, although I bought one for my personal collection).

Some of the ones you listed are either miniaures I've never seen, or aren't limited editions (Armoured Boromir, etc).

Anyway, if you can jot down that list again I'll see what we've got, okay? I can also have a dig around at the club for the others and see if anyone's willing to trade.

I would've posted earlier but I've spent a month or two looking through my things for a really nice old Elmore picture that you don't see much on the net nowadays that has some nice swirly cloth and movement, great miniature potential :). Well, I'd love to see it as a mini anyway.

Re: LotR "Limited Editions"

the request for GW minis Jim posted on his website is still there - not on top of the homepage but under the latest pictures and the "Origins Award" seal.

Re: LotR "Limited Editions"

Okay, I'll jot a list down and I'm heading to the shop on thursday. I've a feeling that two or three of them will be there and I can always try and barter at the club on saturday..

I'll post again here sometime soonish but I'll try to contact Jim before I head out to do some actual shopping.