Just a quick question, as the "Base thread" is very exciting news for me, I was wondering if there will be some sort of schedule/dates when DS will be planning to relase its new Amazon with the new base configuration.
As well - "if its even possible" to get an overview of some other mini's that you plan to release this year?
Is this possible to get a Dark Sword Relase Schedule? Or would that have more trouble than its worth, by missing a deadline or an estimated deadline?
Reason? Hey, I have a computer, and I can make it to remind me of things.. Like a new Dark sword mini is coming out.. LOL
Would it be possible to get an idea/overview when you would have your mini's planned to be released this year?
Or even better whats on the DS plans or radar for future releases??
The new boxed sets (3 at this time)will be out around Gen Con Indy which is August 2006. We are making a push on Elmore Set # 9 right now and will try to get Tom to free up some time to knock down Parkinson Set # 3 in the next couple months so we can have lots of new goodies out for Gen Con Indy.