I understand the uniqueness of DS miniatures, but will DS release minis that will not come with their own integrated base?
There is nothing in the works for seperate bases at this time.
It is HIGHLY doubtful, we would ever do seperate bases at all.
Thanks for the question.
Could you elaborate to why you would not consider working with optional base configurations?
Many mini's collectors and gamers enjoy setting a diffrent mood, with an exotic base. The bases that you create are nice, well ballanced and generaly designed for table top, but there is a ever growing culture of custom based artist/minists that want "more" punch with perhaps a larger diroama or mini base.
Thus the costs could be lower as there is less metal being used to support the masive bases that some of these minis use.
Why close the door to an obvious reduction of materials/costs to the company?
Ever hear of Six Sigma?
Hi again BlackSteel.
The base issue is not a cost issue but more of a artsy-fartsy issue.
A large chunk of our fans (me included) are not too skilled in crafting the top-notch bases you speak of. This is why we do the larger bases with more ground-work on them. It takes alot of time and of course a good deal of skill.
Plus, for out of the box appeal, intergrated bases are typically going to look better than the plastic square/circle bases.
We have toyed with doing seperate metal bases (larger like our existing bases) with holes in it where the mini will "plug into", but this creates a whole other set of potential issues in terms of fit and shrinkage differences between the base and the figure.
Would this solve your issue if we could pull it off and then decided to do so?
Let me know...
Pardon my ignorance, But isn’t the whole concept of selling "Game Mini's" that represent "Fictional Characters", in a "Fantasy World" on a table top in your kitchen, a "Artsy-Fartsy" reason why anyone is at this website in the first place?
This IS your business right? Or is there a Vacuum Cleaner section on this site that I somehow missed? (ok thats a bit of a smart **** remark?)
Jim, I have recently just plunked down $80.00 worth of mini's the last time I visited this site (the night I made this post).
As well, I have every intention of using my Jewelers mini Hacksaw, and Dremal Moto tool to remove the bases (Almost half of your product), all in the name of "Artsy-fartsy". As well as this is what many actual gamers do. In fact, many gamers buy 5 or 6 mini's of the same type, to create custom mini's to sell, after being painted (pro-painters) Will buy a series, and hand paint limited numbers, with the same sort of Base /Diorama.
So to answer your question:
Q:Would this solve your issue if we could pull it off and then decided to do so?
A:YES, to have the same mini less the base, is a big plus! And add to your Market value.
Now, I understand your need to "want to fill up a box with mini's" and that might be "Darkswords company focus" but is that what your customers want?
So ask yourself a few questions, how many times has a DarkSword Mini (on an Artsy-Fartsy Base)has earned or recived a "Golden Demon" award at Gen-Con or any other major Con?
That "Golden Demon" might not be important to you, because your not a Model Maker, but folks who are, want to "replicate many models that win Awards".
There is a far more massive online presence, and Web Comunity that are dedicated to the "Artsy-Fartsy" side of Mini's than there are of Mini manufacturers.
As far as "not being skilled with Basing/Painting" or what ever, this is the EXACTLY the focus that Darksword should point its company Goals. This should be the "NEW path" that your future products should take on. How to paint like a MASTER.
If customers are promoted to simply buy a "box set" with no images, of suggested methods to paint them, then what is the use of having them?
My point, MAKE PEOPLE "WANT" TO BUY YOUR MINI'S, and help them with ideas, share methods, and paint and Base techniques. Perhaps a whole new section on the website to custom paint mini's or for that matter how to sculpt them!
As far as I am concerned, I have been a AD&D/D&D gamer since 1980. I have mini's from EVERY Single maker of Mini's (Fantasy Only) this "entire product market" is all about 'Art', and mastering the mini. This is why you guys take the time to make the wonderful minis that you have today, and use High Caliber Artists to convey these mini's.
So, for me to ask, and get a "reply like yours was" then allow me to "KICK open Darksword's doors", And have you look at what the competition is doing, and ask yourself, is "Artys-Fartsy" worth your time, or your products?
I say.. Yes! It is, now get with the program..
Many thanks for your reply!
You woke me up with that one..
As far as metal shrinkage, asuming your going with the vision of a "Key slot" sort of plastic base? I would see that a focus to single mini's would be more appealing. And
It is now official - we will be doing seperate bases from here on out. We may even unveil this with our next mini (the 2006 Elmore Amazon).
Your opinions count and we will deliver on this as it will make more people happy with our minis.
We are toying around with which ways to go about this along with some new hybrid ways of basing as well.
Which seperate base styles do you prefer?
I dig the new euro-bases with the outter lip on them(Dark Age uses them and Spyglass used them). But I also really like how Werner does his Freebooter bases.
Sound off on what you would like to see.
Dark age type bases would be my preference! Additionally, it would be really nice if you could include wooden plinth-style bases of a suitable size in with your dragons. No other manufacturer does, and it's often a hassle to try and find a suitable base for these models.
This is wonderful news!
I am glad that from November, when DSenthusiast first made menton of this topic, that it has now come full circle to become a reality.
All those long night I spent practicing my "Jedi Mind Tricks" has finaly paied off.. As well as all those Six Sigma classes too.. Heh heh.
I can't wait to see this new mini!
Ok, you have to help me out here what is this wooden base you refer to Jo?
Can you post some links to pics?
Just the sort of wooden bases that you can pick up from trophy shops. Like the ones I've used here:
Its often quite difficult to get hold of these sort of things and sometimes it would be nice for them to come with the models.
Jo, I would think that it would be problematic and expensive to have full wooden bases to be included with the mini's. And the cost to ship them would become a problem too.
However there is nothing like improving the website to have some links to places that do make bases.
Perhaps this would help you:
And here is one in the UK
I think that the "Base's" that Jim is refering to are the Mini's base, plastic or metal, square or round.
Jim, it would be a nice addition to the mini's that would comply to the d20 rules, thus a mini's base should not be larger than 1" x 1" for a standard human mini. Larger scaled creatures must conform to the size/space limits for its size.
Lets just assume you know about v3.5 D&D. They have a minitures book to deal with size, and scale. Thus it would be nice if the mini's base could conform to the scale for a standard 25/28/30mm miniture.
Though you are not required to conform to the d20 Combat system, it would be nice if mini's would thus the game makers are conforming to the proper scale, so to would DS's mini's.
All good stuff posted here.
What if we offered certain bases for sale (seperately) in our Online Store?
We would have certain bases crafted special for certain dragons and have them for sale so you could save on shipping costs.
Let me know your thoughts....
One thing that has come up with some emails and such is that some people feel that GW-style bases just scream WARGAMING.
Any thoughts on this?
At present, (though its not a real big deal) the DS products on most of the Human mini's DON'T comply to the v3.5 rules as the DS base is typicaly larger than 1" x 1". But then, thats your "artsy-fartsy" point that you make above.
The "option" that I would envision, Is to perhaps have a mini that is (CA) glued to your current existing "Rock & Grass" mound.
However, if I wanted to put it on a GW plastic base, for my WAR GAME or some other more fancy base, such as Freebooter's decorative bases, I could. And there is no hack saw sugery that is needed. (Ever try to cut off one of your bases without trashing your mini? - Try it some time, you will quickly see the point.)
I would rather not have to break out the hack saw, and then have to spend well over 2 to 3 hours hacking off the base that your mini is set upon.
Some figures, Women wearing dresses makes that an easy task to do; because the dress touches the floor, or "Rock & Grass" mound. Thus the hack saw job does not have to be that clean.
Making a cut at say any of the Amazons, now thats going to be a bit more work. If the Amazons, have an (A) or (B) version, one with base attached (A) then you do a second mini, with an un-based mini(B).
Then I (ME) can decide if the mini will be an "Artsy- Fartsy" or not, and that way "you" don't make that choice for me.
Most of your minis are from some very "famous images".
With that said, now I want to make the WHOLE IMAGE and use YOUR sculpted mini as the center piece.
I will cast the rocks, make the background build the trees, set the grass, put the water down, and paint the whole deal.
Your "table-top only or for Gamers only" method, forces me to buy the mini, and I must tell my self that "this will be worth the time and effort", to make the custom display that I want.
I can only see that it would conform to the method that is used by most makers. Though you can push the limits and make a mini much like Freebooters, where its in the middle of a sceen or a vignet [SP?], that would be cool too. But is that what you were thinking??
Cudos on the possible decision to have actual "wooden miniture" bases! I would think that would be a nightmare though, E-mail: "My base is scratched, I want a new one" sort of issues. Send it to me now, UPS NEXT DAY AIR.. LOL
Then again, you or anyone could buy a router, and make your own at a super cheap rates!
Hi Jim,
just to let you know - I love your sculpted bases. I would miss these definitely as they are often part of the mini and IMO it's an unnecessary hassle to sculpt an adequate base for minis, especially if you can have one made by Dennis Mize, Tom Meier or Dave Summers - I don't use GW bases if I can avoid it. Sculpted bases for the dragons would be great!
Hi there -
We are looking into doing our normal bases but having seperate figs which you can plug into the base via a Peg off of the foot and into a hole on the sculpted base.
We do not want to do Tab Bases (like GW) as they scream wargamming and limit you on what you can do with the sculpt without going into 3-4 pieces.
A combo-base is also being looked at, but I would like to stay away from plastic bases because this will throw the look of the line off when you compare our first 96 miniatures to the newer miniatures.
I want to give the best of both worlds to our collectors. Nicely done, larger bases that you can plug your mini into, along with the option to create your own custom base and plug our mini into that (via some sort of peg off of the foot).
What are your thoughts on this?
Let me know....
I love the idea of peg-legs that let us attach it to a pre-sculpted base OR something of our custom design.
Would it be possible to attach the miniatures to a thinner (I mean from foot of the miniature to bottom of the base) sculpted base? I'm not as opposed to sculpted bases that are part of the artwork & "match" the miniature, but the bases you have miniatures attached to are so HUGE.. if they were about as thick as the broccoli bases (but not broccoli!!!) on reaper miniatures, that would be much easier to deal with, either to blend into a "regulation" base or to remove. Additionally, with such a smaller sculpted base, you could also make larger sculpted bases they could set into (or even diaroma terrain-ish stuff from the art work).
Holy Shnikeys!
...my little question made a difference.
Jim, This is really good news that you are going to produce your minis baseless w/ a peg foot to plug into a DS custom base as desired.
I bought set #7 just for the male Vrykyl figure and ruined it trying to remove the base. After that experience, I wasn't going to purchase anymore of your minis. It was a shame because I was interested in others, but didn't want to waste money, time, and good miniatures.
Maybe you can provide some base options. A peg-plug-in custom base that comes with the figure and an option to purchase a peg-plug-in plastic round or wooden round base.
Another interesting option would be the availability of a magnet with these bases. Not as important, but I would buy it.
Hi there - if your trade does not work out - let me know and I will be happy to throw a couple loose versions of the male Vrykyl into your next order from us.
The trade sounds better though - so do that if you can!
Just wanted to express my enthusiasm for the basing change. I will definitely be buying more of the figs now.
How come you don't stock the Baak down at "The Source"?
They did not think it would sell as it was an old Partha fig - although they sold like 6-8 of the Golden Dragon re-releases at $80 a pop, so go figure...
Tell them you want one and I can bring it in for ya - no worries...
Are you the same Gloria Invictus on the Frothers boards?
yea, go figure. I would think people would buy certain Ral Partha monsters, even where they would not buy their old humans (too tiny). It'll probably be a month or so before I want it, but I'll let them know when I do. thanks
Yep, I am indeed that same Gloria Invictus.
I agree.
This is the reason I picked up the rights to the Dragon, the Giant and the Baak. They are such large pieces, and so well done that resculpting them would not bring anything better to the table to make it worthwhile.
Have I met you before at the Source?