I was just wondering if you plan to bring on board any other fantasy artists in addition to Keith Parkinson and Larry Elmore? In particular if you want to do some dragons without the TSR copyright problem, then Ciruelo has some great pictures that I would love to see sculpted, such as his "DARK DSURION" and "HOBSYLLWIN" The White Guardian. His website is:
Another great artist is Chris Achilleos, specifically I think this one: http://www.dreamstone.com.au/artists/Chris_achilleos/dragonspell1.jpg would make a great miniature kit!
Dark Sword has their eye on a number of artists. There are literally artists waiting in the wings until we can find the right sculptor to bring their artwork to life.
Dennis Mize and Tom Meier are a tough act to follow and it can sometimes prove difficult to gauge other sculptors work when they are doing very exagerated work for other companies out there.
But never fear as we are in talks with a couple sculptors that show a great deal of promise. One of them will for sure be doing some work for us in the next 6 weeks or so so stay tuned for a preview of their work.
Other sculptors: I hope that Sandra Garrity is one of the sculptors you're negotiating with. Her skills at female faces would really bring the artwork to life. Some of the miniatures on display don't do the illustrations justice, IMO.
Sandra was never on the list as much as I admire a good deal of her miniatures. Her style is very interesting and I do indeed own a large number of her miniatures (from Partha, to Grendadier, to Lance and Laser, and of course to Reaper - did I mention I love miniatures?).
However, there were specific artists and sculptors that Dark Sword wanted to work with on these new premium miniature lines and we are working with those artists and sculptors already (some big announcments are coming by the way....). There are a couple other new sculptors that Dark Sword is looking at right now that we are confidant could sculpt to the level of detail needed and style that are needed to be a Dark Sword team member.
Stay tuned for updates this weekend! And new Green pics!
Please do some of Boris Vallejo's or Julie Bells work in miniature. I know that there a few larger scale resin garage kits out there that are fully liscensed. From what I hear they are not too bad to deal with on this respect.
The thing with artists is there are so many good ones out there, that it is hard to keep focused.
So to keep my focus, we are going to run with the Fab Four From the classic D&D years until we start running out of minis to do.
We will then of course, turn our laser-guided scopes to other artists and start knocking down lines of their artwork as appropriate.
It is all about focus my friends. And we need to stay the course on the Fab Four for a number of years to do their artwork justice.
But keep the names coming as I do check out all their sites (if I am not already familiar with them) and always get that rush of excitement when I see particular paintings that would make excellent miniatures.
Specifically with regards to dragons, what did you think of Todd Lockwood and Ciruelo's artwork? Are they good candidates for when the others run out? Having said this, I realise, of course, that a lot of the newer Reaper dragons are heavily based on Todd and Ron Spencer's artwork in the latest D & D monster manuals, which is a good thing IMHO.
I for sure dig Todd Lockwoods artwork. One HUGE regret I had from Gen Con a couple years back was at the D&D Party, they were giving away outstanding Lithograph posters of this great mix of all the classic D&D covers from past to present. But they were all redone by Todd Lockwood (to keep the entire litho nice and tight with a uniform look). There were billions of them (in nice cardboard tubes) at the party, but our group did not want to grab a bunch and run them back to the hotel room and we did not want to be encumbered with them on our bar crawls so we just left them there. If anyone has extras of this lithograph (as people were taking them 10 at a time)shoot me an email and I will trade you some Dark Sword Product for a copy.
So yes - I for sure love his artwork, but I do not want to get scope creep and have a bunch of lines with only one or two boxed sets in them. I want to really get into each artist and have exhaust their artwork before we expand again.
And you are correct on the Reaper Dragons (which was my idea to Ron by the way). Sandra is doing a great job on them.