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Enhance the use of specialized financial leasing i

  The "financial leasing if you do not focus on the real economy may lead to the risk of sprawling, who focused on the development of the real economy, financial institution or financial products, can effectively control the risk, even if the risk of exposure, but also exposure to a range of . "Ji Fuxing sensible ICBC Leasing executive vice president," the Triumph One "jackup rig delivery ceremony said so.

Recently, ICBC Leasing in Nantong COSCO Qidong Offshore Base Dongjiang Bonded through its project companies to China Oilfield Services Limited hereinafter referred to as "COSL" delivered a LeTourneauWorkhorse240C type 400 feet jack-up drilling rigs "Triumph One." The platform will be transferred to the East China Sea in recent field drilling operations.

It is understood that ICBC Leasing since its inception has been committed to finance the bonds, effectively connecting industrial equipment manufacturing and use, to promote economic development entities. After seven years of development, has become China's financial leasing industry leader. Fuxing Ji said, marine engineering equipment industry is a strategic emerging industries and the current national focus on fostering the development of financial leasing companies not only provide financing services to offshore companies, but also to meet the latter revitalize the stock, asset restructuring and other needs. "Triumph One" confirms once again delivered by this "double financing combined financial matter" means the lease can effectively support and promote Chinese enterprises to enhance the ability of marine construction, with the support of the real economy, but also will help our country marine engineering enterprises to enhance the level of equipment operations, boost national energy development of marine resources and marine economic development.

"In order to improve efficiency, faster to meet customer needs, according to the sort of large equipment for COSL management philosophy, leasing was the first, followed by the construction and management." COSL Drilling Division of Marketing Project Manager Han Lu told reporters, "is the preferred way to take the lease, the main consideration is to use the side window of time for our proposed requirements, the drilling platform is a high investment, capital, technology, labor-intensive industries, the construction of a new platform At least one and a half to two years. Moreover, if the platform directly delivered to the consumer, there is often a one-year expansion period, and by leasing to deliver, it will significantly shorten the delivery time and expansion of. "

Ji Fuxing also said that "production and operation and development process, there are different stages of strategic choices. COSL as a consumer, after reaching a certain percentage of the balance, relatively high refinancing costs, the difficulty of financing also relatively large, in order to obtain more favorable financing, take lease, the assets can not enter the enterprise's financial statements. while for ICBC Leasing, it can use a variety of channels to reduce financing costs,custom silicone wristband, while strengthening internal control relevant to the project cost management or cost control. three powerful combination accelerates the entire upstream and downstream industry chain fast financing to achieve "win three."

Ni Tao, general manager of COSCO Nantong Shipyard, told reporters that the financial crisis facing the city of withdrawal under relatively poor conditions throughout the world shipbuilding industry increased financial pressure, ICBC Leasing to join our platform delivery and new undertake product, provides a good platform and opportunity, so that manufacturers, users, ICBC Leasing in the middle played a very good role as a link, the state-owned enterprises to the further development of high-end manufacturing, play a very good The boosting effect. In addition, Ni Tao also said ICBC Leasing is a large state-owned engaged in marine equipment leasing companies, the strength is very strong, and we saw more of its strength and professionalism. Ji Fuxing said that the future in the international market, improve financial leasing discourse need to strengthen professionalism. In the future, the development direction of ICBC Leasing is also more specialized, focusing only professional to manage risk more effectively, in order to support rapid scale, the scale of the support process can find their profit margins.

proved, financial leasing in steady growth, pro-reform, structural adjustment, improve people has played a unique role as the financial capital and the real economy get through at the moment, "positive energy" that can effectively promote the real economy development of. Late last year, when Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited Ti