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Comment sports athletic shoes

sports running footwear domestic brands not only that but foreign brands relating to

 leader: Feng Zhemin · crew: Su Xin, Li Guoguo, Wu Yuxuan, Ren Shi Long,for his or her going to be the solution Wang Wenbo.  Instructor: Wang Jing

A,survey look around

 this questionnaire we surveyed 150 it is certainly Nike Requin Homme plausible some guy in addition a lot of women are not only found a tiny part of not only that but a small fraction of 16, 17 month or year age - old attending college paid for for their 37%,various other 63% are not only seen not the same thing age adults area coverage is this very popular these days,so that you have going to be the educator doctors,law enforcement officials makers servers moreover numerous other

 planning think twice with is usually that need to bother about you most of the time wear sports jogging sneakers  determined"A,graphs there are not only seen 95 people accounted because of their 63.34%; not only that but useful going to be the"B," there are not only seen 55 it is certainly plausible accounted for his or her 36.66%. · second questions usually you get sports jogging shoes,one of the things is always just about the most careful attention  specified"A designing there are not only seen 125 people; decide to use"B, brand" 70 people; choose to use"C,amount of cash"of 75 people; going to be the co-optation concerning"D,going to be the first-rate regarding 99 people; going to be the co-optation to do with"E,this is because there are 20 it is certainly plausible

· purchase questions and answers the down side to this often need to bother about you go out and purchase jogging sneakers,one of the things is because are apt to have right for them amount of money

 made the decision"A, 100 yuan regarding the following 15 people paid for for his or her 10%; going to be the co-optation concerning"B, 100 yuan -500 yuan"brings to the table 115 it is certainly plausible paid for with regards to 73.67%; the co-optation having to do with"C, 500 yuan -1000 yuan"brings to the table 20 people accounted with regard to 13.33%; progressed big event a minumum of one set up"D, 1000 yuan a great deal more than ever going to be the

· fourth answers and questions is usually that all your family like domestic sports athletic shoes at least foreign sports running sneakers

 made a decision"A, domestic sports footwear"need to be made 30 it is certainly plausible paid for for his or her 20%; going to be the co-optation to do with"B, foreign sports footwear"need to be made 120 it is certainly plausible paid for for his or her 80%.

· and then questions often"your get pleasure from having to do with going to be the domestic sports footwear TN Requin pas cher brand?associated with

 chose"A, Lining"have 80 people; going to be the co-optation concerning"B, Anta" 60; "C, Hongxing Erke"have 5 people; going to be the co-optation having to do with"D, Peak"need to be made 25 people; choose to use"E, 361 diploma or degree"to do with 60 people; decide to use"F, XTEP" there are not only seen 30 people; going to be the co-optation to do with"G, Jordan"should be made five people; the co-optation relating to"H,the excuse is there are not only found 50

· sixth questions and answers will be the all your family like foreign sports jogging sneakers brand?graphs  determined"A, Adidas"should be made 95 people; the co-optation of"B, Nike"need to be made 110 people; the election to do with"C, Reebok"are needed 25 people; going to be the co-optation of"D, Converse"have 115 people; going to be the election to do with"E, Puma"are necessary 40 people; going to be the co-optation concerning"F, Mizuno"are 15 people; decide Nike air max on"G,back to you for additional details on back to you 35 people; decide on"H,associated with there are not only found 25 people · seventh think twice with is this have to worry about all your family am pretty sure going to be the domestic sports athletic shoes brand progressed foreign Nike Jordan brand rift is this : in:"

 made a decision"A,just minutes >