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Re: Re: Prayer for family against witchcraft,gambleing and that my mother and father will become new


This is a long time prayer request for my mother and father as well as my self.

My wish is that long time wish is that my mother and father will one day come to the lord.
There are a lot of unwanted ties in my birth family, please help in prayer.

him 30 years old from New Zealand and find my clock is ticking, not married, no children.
Have had to mis-carriages many boyfriends but not to the point of marriage, i fear that i have been sining for a long time and yet still there is a part of me that knows that god is real. Yes im lonely at this stage of my life and there are unwanted ties i need help in breaking, i also need to find that will power again.

Im one in many that suffer the stresses of todays world, lonelyness and the feeling of life being boring, money problems and so on.

I want to be cut off from my dark past. I dont want to go to hell and dont want to see my mother and father go to heall.

Ive been living with my mother and father for the past7 ta 8 months, left my ex and have been trying to live a christian life again.
Please help in your prayers.

Ps Cecilia Fitton