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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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PLEASE PRAY for Jackie and her husband

From: jonah (Original Message) Sent: 2/7/2005 8:07 PM
Most of you knwo I lost my home in hurricane Charlie, and my husband fractured his spine and crushed two spinal disc doing debris clean up and has been having spinal surgerys, and off work the last 6 months.

We are living in a small 8ft x 30 ft fema camper.

Today they called and told me they didnt think we "qualified" and shouldnt of gotten the camper to begin with, and they were going to remove it.......leaving us NO WHERE to live.........

They are saying they are going to force us to pay back all the funds they gave us also.....even though we have no insurance benefits (it all goes to our mortgage holder) and we lost everything and hubby got unjured as a direct result of the hurricane.

NO one has been helping us.........NO ONE.

We havent even been able to get anyone to help clean up the downed trees scattered all over our property, or anything else............

PLEASE pray !!!

in Jesus
