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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Prayer Warriors: could you say one for my little princess?? She hasn't eaten anything since Thursday and very little then. Her temp varies between 100 and 103. And when I give hre tylenol for the fever and aches she vomits it back up 2 out of 3 times. If she is not better by tomorrow we will go to the dr. I would have already taken her but no offices open over the holiday and hospitals are very traumatic for her even just to visit so the ER is an absolute last resort. I've been praying all weekend for her but the Bible does say where 2 or more agree so I know if we just get together on it she will go to school tomorrow instead of the dr. Thanks Mom
Love Ya
Tami & Jazzi

Hi. I am an evangelist. My wife and I have been in full-time ministry now over 20 years. We have seen the miraculous! God has never let us down. My wife is in need of prayer please. She has terrible pains in her lower abdomen that come about once a month over the space now of about six months. The pain will come in the night for about 15 min. then it disappears. She has also had three children, and lost one at full term. We now have our son and daughter. She now has a female problem. Something protrudes from her about an inch from her female parts. No pain, just aggravating to her. She has a Dr's appointment on the 17th of this month. Please pray she will be healed and not have surgery. We didn't have insurance and still do not. And please pray that she will be healed from these bouts with abdominal pains.
Thank you all!

Please know we are praying,
and we have emailed all our
many intercessory prayer warrior ministries.
God Bless you, Lots of love,
many prayers & big hugs,
Please know i am
here for you
My email is:
and my phone number is
Please Help me here ok!
GrannyFaiths Prayer Board

A Garden Walk Ministry

Walking With God Ministry

Our New Chat Room
And Ministry At:
All 4 God Chat And
Prayer Ministry
We Are Open Most the Day,
Everyday And
All through the Holidays!
We will also have
Prayer & Worship Revival
all the month of January
So Please Start
Your New Year Out
Right: Come Visit &
Bring A Friend with You!
Its A Free Chat Room
Heaven On Earth

A Chapel Of Friends

Come Visit A Sanctuary
Of Love & Peace Ministry

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A Ministry For You
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around the world

Please Sign My New GuestBook

Gods Hand In Mine Ministry

Click on the link below and please enter your birthday for me. I am creating a birthday list of all my friends and family.

Many Thanks GrannyFaith

Please Write Me
And Phone Me At:
World Wide Ministries
c/o Mrs. Faith Dube
13105 S.W. 16th Crt.
Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33027