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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Please pray for me, as the founder of this community, as I have lost my job of almost $16.00 an hour and there are no other jobs in our area that pays even close to this much per hour. So we will be losing our home, our cars, and everything we own, as we are mortgaged to the hilt, and will have to file bankruptsy. So it may come to the point that I might have to close down all of our 156 msn ministry sites, including this one, due to the lack of funds to continue to pay for our msn accounts. Please pray that we will be able to continue to feed ourselves and keep a roof over our head, as it does not look like we are going to be able to do so at this time, unless a divine miracle happens through divine intervention of God Himself. My wife is extremely very sick and getting worse, and my insurance through my job was the only way I could afford her medicine, and now I cannot afford to get her medicine for her any more, and it does not look good for us at all. Soon we will be out in the street with no place to go, and no food to eat, so this is going to be a hard and trying time for us, and will take great faith in a great God to get us through it. Right now everything possible you could think of and then some, is going wrong for us, from all sides and every angle, and we are very worried and extremely stressed out ! So right now we are in extreme survival mode ! Please also pray for my children that I may be able to continue to pay their child supports, and that I may continue to be able to pick them up every other weekend. Right now it does not look like I am going to be able to afford to feed ourselves, let alone my children every other weekend, and I will not have the gas money to pick them up, and take them home again. So please forgive me if I must close all of our sites down permanently, it will hurt me dearly to have to do this, after all the many wonderful people I have met over these past several years, and now love as my friends and family, I will miss each of you dearly if ths happens. I will do my best to keep the sites going as long as I can. I hope you will copy down my name, address and home phone number, before I have to close down the sites, so we can keep in touch with one another from time to time, if we need or want to !

Please forgive me if I am not on line much in the near future, as we are going to be doing our best just to survive ! If you knew all of the many many things that have gone wrong for us in these past few months, you would not believe it, as we cannot believe it ourselves. I am finding it extremely hard to keep my faith, and to continue to believe, but I will do my best not to give up, and to not allow the devil to win ! Right now at this point in time, I am at the breaking point, and at the very end of my rope, struggling to just hang on, so please pray for me ! I am extremely depressed right now, as everything looks totally hopeless, and like we do not have a prayer in the world of making it ! I really just feel like giving up on life, and calling it quits ! The struggles we have been facing, have been so strong, and going on for so long, that I just really feel I cannot win for losing anymore. I have done my best to be a good founder of ministry sites, a good believer, husband, father, brother, son, worker, provider, and protector, I have walked the line, kept my nose clean and to the grinding stone, but it all seems to no avail ! I have tried to be everything to everyone, to go above and beyond in all areas of my life. Now I am extremely tired, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, and I just want to lay down and sleep, for a very very long time. So please pray for me that God will give me the strength and courage, the faith and belief, to not give up or give in, I sure could use it right now.

Thank you and God bless you ! I love each of you always and forever !

Please know we are praying and have emailed many of the T.B.N. Internet ministries..
Please keep us updated on all the Lord will do!
Happy Thanksgiving Day From
Our Home to All Of Yours: We wish you a happy, safe, and very blessed holiday with all your loved ones, may Gods Holy Spirit fill you & His presence reign over you; and also in your homes, In Jesus name i pray amen..
God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms and In His presence each day.
My email
and my phone number is (954)885-1560,
Lots of love, prayers and big hugs,

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O Father, may Jesus come soon. Until the day he returns,