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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Please help

Hello to all
I want to thank you all in advance for your prayers. Please remember me when you pray. I get very nervious all the time. Especially at work, my co workers are mean and rude. I am always so helpful to everyone adn all I get is dirty looks. Now, i must get a phsycal and a TB shot just thinking about it I get very nervious. I need your prayers I hate feeling like this. Thanks again. May the Lord bless each and every one in this site.

Re: Please help

My Dearest Alina;

My name is Dave and my wife's name is cat. I understand what you are going through.....
My wife suffers from the same problem. She almost became a hermit " Literally ". People scared her to death and if she all of a sudden had to do something she would suffer an attack.
I have taken her to the doctors and they have given her a medication that allows her to relax and be calm on most ocassions.
The doctors called it ( an Anxiety attack )...
Cat says to tell your doctor about it!!!!!!!! There are millions of people who suffer from this and don't even know it.

Our prayers and May God's blessings be beside you. Always think of your favorite thing to do or place to be when this happenes.

We are .. Please let us know how you are and you can contact us anytime. Maybe later you can call my wife and talk with her, or Karen. They are Godly women and have suffered as you.