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Prayer request for godly people to visit and learn how to protect children against sex child abuse

GREETINGS! Beloved in Christ Jesus, Enclosed an article from the Assemblies of God’s publication " Pentecostal Evangel " with a link to their website pro-active pre-emptive to reduce risk of child abuse while in a church program, facility, and even for correspondence outreaches as is implemented by a Canadian mission group that email me recently, Amen. You can visit the website right now at:
Also I would like you to take a look at this website with links on child abuse and adults 7 steps to help prevent it, for possibility of you using their articles and information to have your ministry own child abuse protection program and teaching your congregation how to spot and stop abusers and where many churches and community organizations have their links too.
*** CHURCHES ACT PRE-EMPTIVELY TO REDUCE RISK OF ABUSE: In the wake of sex abuse scandals involving various denominations, the Assemblies of God denomination own churches and organizations are taking additional steps to examine their responsibility in acting preemptively and preventatively in order to protect children from harm.
A new and innovative Web site: contains a wealth of information, including an updated "Reducing the Risk of Child Sexual Abuse" resource kit developed by Richard Hammar, legal counsel for the General Council of the Assemblies of God. When first released in 1992, the kit set the standard on protecting against child abuse in churches. More than 120,000 copies were distributed. An entirely revamped kit has been reissued, and the Web site has every form that a church needs to implement a risk management program. It also contains online seminars that include the issuance of a certificate upon successful completion of an examination. Hammar, who has produced a spectrum of resources on the subject of sexual abuse in churches, is widely viewed as the foremost expert on the topic. Using the new tools, church leaders can verify that youth workers are trained in reducing the risk of child sexual abuse. With the new comprehensive support program, which is being promoted by insurance companies, church leaders can demonstrate that they are exercising reasonable care.
Despite the risk, many churches do not take measures to protect children from potential abuse for a number of reasons. "There is the impression that churches should 'trust' people rather than question their motives and background," Hammar says. "There is also an impression among church leaders that screening workers will make it more difficult to recruit volunteers, and there is a pervasive view that 'such incidents could never happen in our church.' "
Yet Christian Ministry Resources, a tax and legal advice publisher serving more than 75,000 congregations and 1,000 denominational agencies nationwide, reports volunteers are more likely than paid staff to be abusers in Protestant churches
Dennis Gullion, associate pastor at Crossroads Cathedral Assemblies of God in Oklahoma City, credits screening procedures with preventing a convicted sex offender from working in their Royal Rangers program for boys. Almost two years ago a man visited the church and soon expressed interest in assisting with Royal Rangers. The church requires completion of a background check prior to involvement in children's and youth ministry. Inconsistencies in the man's application raised red flags. With the help of local police it was discovered that the man was a convicted sex offender, was using a false identity and had a warrant out for his arrest. He is now in jail.
"After the event, there was a sense of confidence in the procedures of the church," Gullion says. "We care about the children of our community and church and are willing to take extra measures to be sure they are protected." As with Crossroads Cathedral, Freedom Valley Worship Center in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, has made protecting children a priority by screening workers and implementing a number of safety procedures. In addition to requiring mandatory police checks and references from each worker, there is a church-wide policy that an adult should never be alone with a child for any reason. Ushers make rounds through children's areas to ensure that this policy is upheld. All rooms, with the exception of restrooms, have windows in the doors. Church staff members, ushers and children's ministry leaders are aware of potential problems and are instructed to alert the police should a questionable situation arise. Robert Cirtin, assistant professor and director of the criminal justice program at Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri, agrees with Hammar that the threat cannot be ignored. "Many people have the attitude that this cannot or will not happen in their church," he says. "People don't want to have to admit that they have to protect themselves from pedophiles, or that they... Read full report at:

Re: Prayer request for godly people to visit and learn how to protect children against sex child abu

Hi there brave one!, with so much ungodly push to legalize same-sex marriage, courts giving homosexuals to adopt children and ungodly people amount of 'homosexuallity is OK' movies, tv episodes, videos and stage performances is good to see your posting. God's blessings to you too!!!