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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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hello dearest ones please read very important ok gbu all

Good Morning Everyone: how was your weekend? and how are you all doing today?? hubby and i had a peaceful weekend, we watched some football games, and also just rested and prayed alot, spent alot of time with the Lord in prayer for you all and bible studies; i hope you all are praying for us to and all our precious ministry members, prayer is so very powerful, and it changes things and people, circumstances and also situations and allows the Lord to move in very SUPERNATURAL WAYS..on a more personal note, please continue in prayer for my hands ok, i have severe carpal tunnel syndrome, and it has really slowed mt down on the puter, so please everyone i really need your help to answer prayer requests and add bible studies, devotions recipes inspirations, and all the Lord leads for you to share with us all ok.. i will be in chat room as much as i can everyday but i will have to rest my hands alot and heal the carpal tunnell nerve damage that was done with all the 8-10 hrs a day on the puter with all my cherished ministries.. please round up many who can open our chat room at A Garden Walk ministry, too ok,
i have made many of you assistant mgrs. at most of my ministries so you will help me open the chat room days or nights ok, we are a world widen international ministry and we have members in every time zone, so please make yourself at home rest awhile post prayers and bible scriptures, bible studies questions and answers etc, also we like to fellowship and share all that the Holy Spirit leads ok.. PLEASE I AM REALLY NEEDING ALL YOUR HELP TO COME TO CHAT ROOM AND ALSO POST ALL YOUR MESSAGES OK..i am very busy each day answering the prayer phone lines i have in my home,fo all our members who need prayer; but i am here on the puter also, please email me if u need me right away ok..Have a blessed and happy day with Our Father God, & if you have time please stop in and leave us a message on our general message boards, or a recipe, or prayer request ok.
Don't forget i am here for you always, great, big huggies
grannyfaith4Jesus Please feel free to call me at: (954)885-1560 or
email me
Please Everyone Sign My
New Guest book
At Home With God Ministries

Our Chat Room Is
Open Most The Day Here At:
A Garden Walk Ministry
Come Meet all your friends
4:00p.m. Eastern time we will have fellowship, prayer, bible discussion, & so much more! (((hug)))

Please help me with the
prayer message board,

Please help me here at
regular message board

Please Help Me and
Answer Prayer Requests Here

More Prayer requests
here also at:
A Ministry 4 God

Click on the link below and please enter your birthday for me. I am creating a birthday list of all my friends and family.

Many thanks GrannyFaith

House Of Prayer

Please Write Me And Phone Me At:
GrannyFaiths Ministries
Mrs. Faith Dube
13105 S.W. 16th Crt.
Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33027

Re: hello dearest ones please read very important ok gbu all

Dear Lord I come to you in prayer for Grannyfaith. Lord I ask you to touch her hands and heal them from this carpal tunnel. Lord I ask you to ease her pain so that it is easier for her to do Your work. Lord she does so much for so many. In Jesus name I pray. Mary Jo