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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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please pray & email tham also ok gbu all grannyfaith

This is from CarolW...
im leaving at 3 am in the morning going to Lumberton NC for tomorrow night and then on to St Augustine on Thursday,,and then to Cocoa Beach on Friday,, please keep me in your prayrers for safe travel and dry weather... carol
Please keep all our travelers in prayer..The Cruise leaves the 9th...and returns the 16th...

Here is some good advice from Brassy
for Sue Gram's Liz and the drug problem in her's good advice for all of us..
(ps she is also our liz...I just say Sue to distinguish her from our LizFlady)

Here is a note from our other Janie..Janroderie
I was wondering about an address for The Angel Fund???
I am headed out to the Dr. for a follow up visit frm my hospital observation. I expect for him to set up an MRI of my neck. I think I told you an X~Ray was taken in the hospital & it showed Arthritis there too. Now they are thinking a possible pinched nerve causing the numbness in my left arm and left side of my face. The is also a concern for my B/P being high...thinking one of my RA meds may be causing that. I believe I also told you my Sedrate's up...64 last bld test so still a lot of unanswered questions. Prayers would be appreciated.
Take care,

The Address for the AngelFund is as
Joe & Janice Williams
Attn: AngelFund
16813 South 31st Way
Remember to have a return address on your envelope
to receive your slip for tax decuction...
Joe opened an account specifically for charitable donations, and there is a fee for it..He paid that fee for us, as his gift to the AngelFund..

This is from Sam...Contentsam

Hi Rusty Ann,
Just got back from CA late last night. While in the Pittsburgh airport I met a lady, who's brother is in Cardiac Care Unit not doing well. I asked her if it would be all right to put him on the prayer chain. His Name is Charlie. God does put people together in strange places.

And Sue Gram's group needs:

Friends, here are several prayer requests.

First, would you please pray for Jimmy. He is caring for his brother who suffered a stroke and subsequent surgery a few weeks ago, and it's been a really rough time. Please pray for his brother, as well.

Second, please keep Joe and Camille in your prayers. Camille is "very bad" according to Joe, and he said he has to take a break from the internet for a while ... as he is having a rough time dealing with her illness. It must be so hard to watch someone you love hurt so much and not be able to do anything about it.

Please pray for a precious friend of mine, Lucy. She is a dear 86-year-young woman who is going through some physical struggles right now -- suffering from macular degeneration and problems with her legs. And also pray for her daughter, Margie, who is still recovering from a recent stroke and subsequent carotid artery surgery.

And of course ... hold Elsie in prayer as she grieves the loss of her precious Jim.

Love to you all ...
This is from Patty's group, the Fab 50's
prayer letter
From: SassyBlonde52
I am having surgery on Wednesday, Oct. 6th and would
appreciate being added to your prayer list.
Please keep Patty in prayer, as well
Remember Mimi and Dale in prayer
Keep Ginny and John in prayer...
Keep Paul(Seeker) in prayer
Keep Liz and her son in prayer
Hold up Elsie, today
Remember Grrt in prayer
Hold up the AngelFund in prayer, please?
Keep Sprinnee in prayer for financial needs
Hold up Capzi today
Keep Tipeconoe and Shyroni in prayer
Hold up Jawjah in prayer

today's inspiration come from Misty...StrawberryMisty