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~A Letter From Jesus~

I come to you, the Loves of My Life…with so much on my heart. I want you more than anything to be all that I have planned for you to be. That is the reason that I died for all of you.

As I search your hearts, I see your desires. Many of your desires that I see are for you to be mended and repaired. Nothing needs mending or repairing unless it is damaged or broken. Yes, many of you have damaged emotions, broken hearts, minds with no peace; this brokenness deals with your souls – your minds, wills, and emotions. I want to deal with your spirits. Your desires are to be repaired – my desire and will is to repair you.

I just don't want to repair your souls and your bodies; I want to repair your spirits so that you can become whole. Many of your spirits are not broken and I cannot repair them and seat them with me. I also know that many of you sincerely believe that your spirits are broken before me but they are not. They are not broken because you have tried to do it by your own power and might. Your spirits can only be broken by the Spirit of the Living God because it is not by power nor by might but only by God's Spirit.

Come and humble yourselves before me – You have not yet resisted to the shedding of your blood. Meditate on all that I have for you; every plan that I have made for you; the vessels of honour that I have called you to be. I asked you, if you love me, to obey my commandments but you don't. You idly desecrate my name before gentiles and scoffers. How can I help you when you throw my decrees back in my face? Surrender all to me at this very moment. Present yourselves as living sacrifices, Holy and acceptable. Say to me this very thing and I will do it for you… "Lord create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me." Desire me above all else right now.

Yes, I am beginning to see your brokenness now. Listen to my words spoken in the Psalms and allow these Words of Life to saturate your spirits and touch the very core of your souls.

Psalm 34:18 ~ The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 51:17~ The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart, Oh God, You will not despise.

I am seeing your hearts now breaking before me. I am moved by your grief. You are grieving for more and more of me and yet you still want to do things your own way rather than mine.

Oh yes, my precious ones, such a Godly sorrow I am seeing in you right now… a Godly sorrow for not fully walking in my ways… a Godly sorrow for trying instead of training… a Godly sorrow for being too busy to do the Father's business… a Godly sorrow for not glorifying the Father in all that you have said and done… a Godly sorrow for falling short of all you have been called to do… a Godly sorrow for not loving your brothers and sisters as I have loved you… a Godly sorrow for me not always ordering your steps… a Godly sorrow for not acknowledging me in all of your ways so that I can direct your paths… a Godly sorrow for not for not always walking after the Spirit so as not to fulfil the lust of the flesh… a Godly sorrow for not seeking first the Kingdom of God and all of it's righteousness… a Godly sorrow because you love me so very much but flatly refuse to obey me.

I see your Godly sorrow leading to repentance. I see your repentant and contrite spirits. I see your brokenness. Yes I can feel your hearts crying out your love for me; your gratitude for salvation; your complete surrender in the realization that I bought you with a price – the price being the shedding of my blood for the remission of your sins.

Oh! My heart is melting over you right now. I love you so much. You cannot even conceive of how much I love you right now. I adore your broken spirits being poured out before me. My broken loved ones – come to me now. Let me repair you body, soul, and spirit. Let me mend you. Let me mould, shape, and make you into my vessels of honour. Arise and enter in – Your Potter awaits you. We have much work to do my precious clay. Oh how I so love you.




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Pastor Paul Ciniraj,

Salem Voice, Devalokam (P.O),

Kottayam, Kerala-686038, INDIA.