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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Will You Please Pray for these poor souls?

q Steve Mitchell

Pray for my children. They are hurting very much because I am away. Pray for my parents as well.

q Nellie Delgado

My brother Julian has cancer in his throat, mouth, and neck. Please pray for his healing.

q Peter Guzman

I would like you to pray for my wife, Janie. She’s not doing well, and I haven’t heard from her. Please pray for me, that I may have the strength to accept what the Lord gives me.

q Edyth Johnson

Pray for my ten children and my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, for salvation and spiritual healing.

q Darren Zimmer

Please pray that my wife can overcome her addiction to drugs.

q Patricia Wright

Could you please pray for me and my friends, Lisa and Melissa. Pray that we could make it through our troubled times.

q Spring Erhart

Pray that my children will be returned to me safely. Also pray that my future husband gets out and does fine with his daughter.

q Rayetta Laye

Pray for me.

q Lottie Clay

Please pray that I get mail from my family. I want God to forgive my sin. Pray that I will be up for parole and will be able to go home.

q Trudi Thompson

Please pray for the restoration of my family and for healing for my daddy’s heart condition.

q Tony Garcia

Pray for my 33-year-old son, Jorge, that he totally opens his heart to Jesus.

q Valentin DeLeon

Pray that I may grow to understand God’s word and stay on the correct path. Thank you.

q Candyce Chapman-Vargas

Pray that my friend Pegge stays in her walk with God. Thank you.

q Janet Thompson

Please pray for me and my relatives and friends.

q Thomas Sikora

I am facing “three strikes” for receiving stolen property. Please pray for me.

q Brenda Taylor and Christina Chavez

We ask for prayer for our family and friends. Pray that we will follow the right path and that our faith will become stronger. Pray that God will give us understanding, self control, and peace of mind.

q Renee Seger

Please pray for my family and addictions in my family.

q Irma Long

Please keep me and my children, Chris and Jill, and their families in your prayers.

q Teresa Hall

I am being released on November 1, after being locked up for two years. Please pray that I stay close to God and make godly choices.

q Justin Sartor

Pleas pray that God will bring my family back and restore us. Pray that God will protect my family and provide their basic needs at least until my release next January. Thank you.