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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Child Abuse-help

My daughter is 9. her dad has sexually abused her since I brought her home from the hospital. I found out about it two years ago. He is a bigshot and they won't prosecute him. He had me blackballed so I couldn't get a job, Ilost my house, my car, and everything I own. He had me locked up and took my baby. It's been four months I was able to talk to her. The lsat child I had who lived with him- they said he committed suicide with his father's gun at the age of 15. The police, the court system, and child protective services seem to be on his side because he is a federal prosecutor. Somebody please pray for us and help us. I've been through 30 years of abuse and terror.My adult children were also abused but they wouldn't tell me about it and they have also becaome abusers.
I have no family or friends. They are all to scared to help me. Pray for me and my daughters. I am truly at my end. Lord have mercy on us.

Re: Child Abuse-help

Hello Precious One: Thank you for
sharing your prayer need with us, i will be praying and also i emailed all my intercessory prayer ministries also. Please kep us updated on all that the Lord will be doing ok please hurry back to us all ok.
Have a peace filled and safe day with Our Father God, & if you have time please stop in and leave us a message on our general message boards, or a recipe, or prayer request ok.
Don't forget i am here for you always, great, big huggies grannyfaith4Jesus
Please feel free to call me at: (954)885-1560 or
email me
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Many thanks GrannyFaith

House Of Prayer

Please Write Me And Phone Me At:
GrannyFaiths Ministries
Mrs. Faith Dube
13105 S.W. 16th Crt.
Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33027
Benny Hinn Ministries at 1-817-722-2000 and select our prompt for prayer. Our prayer partners are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to pray for your needs.

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