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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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I have a friend that is one of my dear friends that needs prayer bad. It is a serious thing when you lose your joy and don't want to talk to anyone. Well she has and it is so sad she used to be so happy go lucky all the time. She had her problems, but she would call and we would pray about it and she would be ok now she won't return my calls or nothing.Please pray for her, her name is Marge and she is such a sweet person when she is herself. I am so worried about her she is in deep depression and says she hates her mom, but her mom has alzhimers (don't know if i spelled it right ) and of course is getting mean and she can't handle that. Anyway it is a bad situation i love her so much and hate to see her in this kind of an attitude. thank you all and God bless. Judy Collins P.S. she is a christian
Hello My friends again, My husbands step-brother was in a bad car wreck over the weekend. He was out all night at a party drinking and tried to drive home at 7:00 a.m. and fell asleep at the wheel. ( I'm not sure why his friends let him even get behind the wheel being he had been drinking all night.) He is in ICU as I speak not doing good at all. He was by himself. Not wearing a seat belt. I have seen the vehicle and it is a wonder he got out of it alive. This young guy does not go to

I am having problems with the emphysema as it finally rained here this past weekend and has been humid, and NO I have not quit the dirty smoking habit. So, please pray for me regarding this matter. I have been praying the Lord will take away all the desire from me and not let me have the horrible withdrawal problems I have had in the past when I tried to quit.

Thanks and Blessings,
Kathy A.

Our daughter has a friend named Sue whom is having many problems.
1. Her son whom is 20 years old son was just diagnosed with diabetes and spent 3 days in ICU. Due to the diabetes he may lose his job as he may not be able to perform the duties required of him on his job.
2. Sue had foot surgery last Friday and will be having knee surgery Wednesday.
3. Sue's car broke down.

When it rains it pours right? She will appreciate being placed on your Prayer Chain.

Thanks and Blessings,
Kathy A.
got back home, I went to Karries and we tried everything to get poor Darian to give us a sample, put her in the tub, gave her cold freezies, nothing worked. Finally she went, we knew something was wrong as her little belly button was stuck out a mile and she seemed to be in pain, she could hardly stand up in the bathtub, we just grabbed everything and headed out to the car to take her in and there was a big flat tire on my car. I don't change tires, so Karrie took off in the taxi and I called AMA (car towing) and they came and changed my tire, all I have is a tiny emergency spare, so I headed home, I won't touch the car till Monday when I call my mechanic and see if he can repair my tire. Karrie just phoned, she was at ER for 2 hrs. I said you make sure they test it right now and don't leave till they do, sure enough she has a very bad bladder infection and they gave her medicine for tonight, tomorrow she will have to find a way to get the prescriptions. I am not happy with that ER, they almost sent us home this morning and said since she has no fever, she must be fine, glad we pressed on and insisted. Karrie is so stressed out now and trying unpack that mess over there and so worried over Darian, I was glad I was there when it happened as Karrie gets very hyper and this is graphic but Darian was going all over the place both ends and such a mess, I had to clean up the floor, Kevin was on the couch and would not move. LOL But finally, they gave her something and now the poor little thing can get better. She had not gone since 9:00 am and that was 6:00 pm, that is so ridiculous that they could not see something was wrong. Thanks for your prayers. Mary ann

My lil angel is pregnant
Yppieeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am going to be Grandma
Oh my I am so exited
My first grandchild it will come next year in march
oke oke I wont spoil it hahhahahha
Love ya all

Dear Prayer Partners, I sadly report the passing of Mr. Sage early today. Please remember his family in prayer for Peace & Comfort & traveling safety during this time. Thanks & God Bless..........Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: Prayer Partners
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 11:44 PM
Subject: Prayer Request--Linwood Sage (06/28/2004)ORIGINAL MESSAGE

Dear Prayer Partners, Linwood is the


Dear Heavenly Father:
I come to You with this dear sweet child of your 's
her name is Marrge, for some reason only You and her knows, she is very, sad, and has turned away from those who love her. Please dear Lord, comfort her and heal her from what ever has done this to her.
In Jesus Christ. Amen.


Dear Father in Heaven:

I come to You Lord on the behalf of this
step-brother who was badly injuryed.
Please heal him Lord. You are the Creator
and re-creator as well. Please recreate in the person the health, the strength aand energy
You gave him when You created him. Give him the healing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and make him well again. We give You all the glory and honor Father.