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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Last week, just a few blocks from My Daughters.. a 13 year old girl was stabbed multiple times in her throat..and killed..
I talked to my Best Friend of over 40 years and she said, this Girl is her friends Grand Daughter..
They have 2 suspects.. but have made no arrests..
This is think such mosters are still walking free.. and an innocent young girl is dead.
She was so beautiful, hair to her waist, dark brown, tiny little girl..
God Bless Her and Her Family..and may this tradedgy be brought to justice.. and some how, God will get glory for what satan has done..and Souls be Saved, lives transformed.. and perhaps.. some will re-dedicate themselves to Our Lord..In Jesus Name..
Sis. Neoma


Dear Heavenly Father:
Please be with this family and comfort them at this
sad time. Please keep them close to You.
Resure them that they will see their daughter again in heaven with You dear Lord.
Dear Lord, thank you that we may may place this one who is so dear to us is in your loving hands. I ask these things in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.
