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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Beloved in Christ:

I have decided at age 52, to step out in faith, and pursue the Vision God gave me for a Ranch, somewhere in the Midwest, maybe Iowa? I am open to gods leading and direction and provision..
I am enclosing here the vision, for your viewing and prayer over, and ask that you please send this out to all christian sites and especially in the midwest areas, as this is where I feel led to open it...
I am going to sell the house of my parents, but will also need employment, for myself, till i get it up and running, and revenue to hire people, and keep it going...GOD CAN DO ALL of this and MORE!!!
Here is the vision, Please send this out and PRAY!!!! !

God has given me a vision for His Glory, It is a Ranch for all the hurting and broken of the world , clergy and lay people, brethren, and people who Gods sends and need to know or be restored, and learn all about Gods Love.

This Ranch, will have stream running in front of it, for baptizing and healing and sheer enjoyment, and relaxation...There will be fruit trees on the property, and shade trees too. There will be birds and some livestock there too. It will be a place of refuge, to be restored and healed and NO ONE will ever leave the ranch without feeling Loved!! I will do ( with Gods help) do all I can to love people into the Kingdom and teach the ones God sends about HIS LOVE. Whoever comes shall grow In Jesus Love.

On the ranch shall be many places (cabins) to rest, and there will be a chapel for worship and a tent for revival, and Saturday shall be the Sabbath, and we all shall worship and love Jesus, and learn more of HIM on that day...Each day everyone will learn of something *new* about themselves and Jesus as they grow as One together.

There will be those who work on the Ranch who will help run it and maintain it, It will be a Haven For Gods love, and we shall always be protected from the evil one, because of this...Many will come and bask and bathe in the healing and Love that is birthed within them while their stay here.

We charge No money at all, yet Love offerings are accepted..It is a non profit organization. In the Main House of the ranch, is where the heart of the Home will be. I will cook(with help) Home cooked meals, and there will be a Butcher Block Table in the Middle of the Kitchen and a Walk in Pantry for food. I will have all the state of the art equipment needed to prepare all the food with LOVE.

The Livingroom will have a fireplace in it, and a large area for BIBLE Study with lots of couches and seats. It will have wood floors, and A Piano for music for worship.

There will be a room off to one side of the house for prayer and to be one with Jesus, and a place to be able to prostrate ones self before the Lord if you feel led to.
There will be a selection of music for your enjoyment to listen to or to sing to Jesus with. There will be an alter to Jesus there as well.

There will be 5 or 6 Bedrooms and the Master bedroom, shall have a fireplace in it, and wood floors and a large bathroom.

The Bedroom shall have a dressing table and walk in closets too. The other bedrooms along with the Master Bedroom shall have windows with the scenery of flowers and a garden and nature out each window, Gods beautiful Array of His handiwork.

There shall be a Dining room big enough to accommodate many people for conversation, and sharing meals together, including the helpers who prepare the meals and serve them, they also shall sit down with all of us and break bread together...We shall all share in helping and loving eachother.

There will be a study for those who wish to read the Bible and learn more of what God teaches or a place to prepare sermons etc. Many will come here , and LOVE will abound. It will happen its Gods will. He has shown me this.

Love needs to be brought back into the World and Jesus has appointed me the task of being His Love Child , Loving all those who He sends to be loved into HIS perfection, AGAPE Love, Unconditional Love, Love that knows God is LOVE and all that dwells in God Dwells in Love.

There will be many cabins that will accommodate many who are in need of a place to be restored and renewed, all who come shall feel the Love of God, and learn ow he wants us to Love others and eachother.

There shall be self contained generators and water supplies in case of drought or no power. Storehouses to hold much to help feed many. There will be a peace that passes all understanding. I humbly and willingly go forward with this vision awaiting the provision as He has promised. Now, I ask for your prayers, there is much Power in Prayer.

Please pray over this, and whatever the Lord places on your heart to pray, DO!! If any know of employment for me, great, let me know, and the ranch also. I teach and counsel adult down syndrome in a residential setting..I also am able to do reception work.

Love in Christ
Sister Joyce

Dearest Sister Joyce: Please always know i


Dear Father in Heaven:

I come to you LOrd, to lead this person You have
given this dream to, to help them forfill it in Your name, In Your glory, and in Your honor dear Lord.
Be with them Lord. God bless them.