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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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urgent please pray & Reply too

Please pray for my friend, Ruth, who is to undergo heart surgery this week for some bad valves.

I was going to ask you to pray for Elsie Mae becasue she was having some serious dental work done tomorrow. However, instead, Jim has taken a turn for the worse, and she cancelled her dental appointment. So please keep Jim in your prayers ... they think he may be bleeding internally. He also has gotten very forgetful and they are wondering if he is suffering from Alzheimer's. (OR he could be over-medicated with something -- I hope they evaluate him for that possibility as well)

Please pray for Fran's niece, Maddie, who was undergoing treatment for cancer when she suffered a serious stroke. She is now in recovery mode and the aggressive chemotherapy she was about to undergo has been delayed. She is only in her early 40s.

One of our group, Cheryl (, sent the following request concerning a close friend's child, Gilber Tanner. I am breaking my "own" rules about forwarding information that concerns financial needs, but since this is a family who is known personally by Cheryl, I decided it would be the right thing to do. We are "all" family here.

Read Tanner's story and see his photo on this page.......

Tanner has cancer and needs our prayers and, as you will see on the webpage, financial assistance, desperately. Since the net is so full of hoaxes about sick children, please leave Jonathan's URL's intact if you pass this along, so they can verify for themselves that this is not another hoax and it is a current, on-going situation. One day, someone or 'some people' may come across the URL who can well afford to help with the hospital and drug costs, so keep the URL going for Tanner's sake. For those who cannot afford to help financially, please lift him up in prayer, as prayer is more powerful than words can say.

Please keep Marge in your prayers as she continues to recover from a stroke.

And also, please lift Liz's father in prayer ... as he has a bad heart. The good news is that the recent tests turned out better than he had expected. But he still has a serious condition.