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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Up-date on Rowena and family
Hello everyone:
This is Rowena's friend whom has been clearing Rowenas
Email amen.
I am writing to you to let you know that Robert,
Rowena's husband has
left to glory @ 3:30 in the morning.
Please pray for Rowena Welch her daughter Rachel. I
had just spoken
to her really fast an hour ago they were seeking
assistance for his
burial due to their is no funds in her home.
Let us lift up Rowena and her family for Peace,
comfort in their
hearts in this time of loss. amen.

For those whom would like to call Rowena to bring
words of
Comfort to her, Please do so at:
Rowena Welch
2633 East oaklahoma Street
Tulsa Ok. 74110

May the Lord richly bless you and yours Pas: D'anna

Rowena Welch

That God would give us wisdom knowledge and discernment about our finances. That He would heal husband and self of degenerate disk, back, neck and knee injurys and remove our debts never to return. To be debt free now and forever.


Today I was fired and I request prayer that my finances fall in place and that I finish all paper work for the Ocean2Ocean project (for disadvantaged high school students who are low achievers) that I am working on and the book I am writing and that the Lord blesses the efforts, opens doors and allows these things to happen.


am handling something of national importance. Please pray for the chairman of the meeting to make the right decision. Please pray that I'll do the right and best thing for this cause.

E-mail Address(es):

Do you remember the Tim I sent in for prayer many times as he was having a liver transplant? Well,he has to have more surgery and below is a recent letter from his wife. PLEASE keep them both in your prayers! They are the same age as I am-53.
Dear Connie,
Tim just got out of the hospital. He was in over the holidays.
His blood work hasn't been turning out to well. They changed the drains he
has in and checked his flow of blood to the liver and rehydrated him.

He is scheduled to have surgery this coming week, so I will not be on the
computer much. Please don't send anything but an occasional letter.
This operation will be a serious one. Because he is immune suppressed,
bacteria can enter in easily once he is opened up again. Both the
Liver Transplant surgeon and this other surgeon will have to be there during
the operation. They are coordinating both of them together. So much can
go wrong if everything isn't worked out just right for his medication, care,
and surgery. I'm asking everyone to pray for him. This is going to be
quite a jolt to his transplanted liver and it may go into rejection. We are so
hoping this doesn't happen.

Well, I have to go. Take care and will talk with you again soon. Your friend, Jane

Connie Leonard

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much love & many blessings,

Paige Ashmore