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Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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Hi Granny!!! I just wanted to update you on the latest. You are welcome to share as a prayer request and cut and paste or re word as needed.

Re: My friend Scott, well, Diane, his wife, is having the other guy come & visit, & supposedly stay in the apartment Scott owns, Scott said no. She is also planning on going on a trip with him to Oregon. She is still double minded, messing with both of them.

Scott has laid down the law, but, she's not changing. pray for Scott, to be strong, and for Diane to make the decision, and stick with it, pray for protectin for Alexis, if leaves the state Scott may no longer have contact with Alexis, who has been his daughter all this time, but, "biologically" he just found out this other guy is the dad, (which is so hard to handle)

My request seems so trivial compared to that above: But, am still not employed yet,,,,but, I had a Interview with a bank, and then they called me for the second interview, then tomorrow I'm having a third interview, I also need my reference to be good, Ya never know what people will say, or who exactly they will call, banks are pretty picky, they alos do credit check, which I have one negative point on that from 8 years ago, so Pray for God's will, they have been bought by another bank, so I will learn their system, then re learn a new syst;em in August, if I get the job, I would start monday, I need to work, I ned income, but, I also know what it's like to go to work every day and not be liked, wanted, so,,,,pray, and that God' s favor and blessing will be on my head wherever I go, and work, and that I will be liked and accepted, and yes prosper, learn and grow.

How are you doing??? Do you have any prayer requests?????????????




Dear Lord I come to you in prayer first for Becky. Lord I ask you to bless her with this job that she needs to take care of her needs. Touch these people at the bank so that they hire her.

Lord I also come to you in prayer for Scott and his wife Diane. Lord I ask you to touch Diane so that she makes the right decision. If it is her will to go then touch her so that she doesn't keep changing her mind and upsetting every one. Lord touch both hearts so that they will accept your will for them. In Jesus name I pray. Mary Jo.