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Home With God Ministries

Bring your prayer requests and please pray with us for others too.  We encourage everyone to share what the Lord is doing in your lives by by posting Scripture, poems, stories, and prayer requests. Please  invite your loved ones over to join.share with us all that is on your heart..God Bless you and keep you safe in Jesus arms.. i love you all, and i am always praying over all the needs left here..Great Big Hugs Grannyfaith4Jesus

Home With God Ministries
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please pray everyone ok

Prayer Requests:

We prayed for James, the Filipino man who was working as a civilian in Iraq, remember? He was in Iraq to make money for his family -- put himself in harms way. But when a mortar attack killed several of his co-workers, the whole group of Filipinos resigned and were returned to the Philippines. We prayed for his safety, and we prayed for his 6 year-old son who needed cleft palate surgery. The surgery was completed upon his return. But now James needs prayer for a job. He is an accountant, and can't find work. Sigh. Please pray on his behalf.

Please lift the grandson of an internet friend of mine in prayer. He is on his way today ... to boot camp. His grandmother is the founder of an organization called OpMale - which supplies letters and email and packages for the military. She knows more than the average person about what happens with our military ... and now her grandson is going to be a part of it. Please pray not only for him but also for her. Her name is Pat, and her grandson goes by JP.

Please pray for Dede's husband, Richard ... the loss of vision he experienced in his eye yesterday was due to a blood clot ... a small TIA. He has a metal heart valve and the doctors said in time it would start throwing clots ... and apparently it has started. He's not a surgical candidate, or least wasn't, and medically there's not much more they can do as his blood is thinned as much as it can be without posing a danger to him. They are going to see if his carotoid arteries are clogged. His health is very precarious at the moment ... please hold him in your prayers ... as well as his wife, Dede.

God bless you all!

Re: please pray everyone ok

Dear Lord i come to you in prayer for several people. Lord I ask you to Bless James (from Philipines)with a job. Since returning from Iraq he has no job and needs to support his family.

Lord I come to you in prayer for Pat and her grandson
JP. I ask you Lord to watch over him while he is in the military. Lord I ask you that if he goes to where there is fighting to put your loving arms around him and keep him safe.

Dear Lord I come to you in prayer for Richard. Lord I ask you to touch him and cleanse his arteries of any blood clots that could hurt him. I also ask you to be with his wife DeDe and give her the strength to get through this. Lord I ask you to work a miracle in their lives so they can give testimony to your name.
Lord I ask you to work your will in each one of these peoples lives so that they may sing praises in your name.