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Re: That Crap Dwayne Wrote 1/28/03

"Post in my Forum your response to all these thoughts."

OH I WILL...you can be SURE of that!

Man, the way I see it, you're just a sucka. Plus you're entire philosophy is geared entirely the wrong way. You don't wait for happiness, you create it by doing stuff that makes you happy, like playing Diablo II, eating good food, reading webcomics etc. You're gonna die...eventually, I mean. And there's no afterlife to look forward to so you may as well try and enjoy life while you can...that, or just spare us all the misery of your company and end it now.

Furthermore, you will never get a girl to like you if you continue to behave in a creepy and shady manner. You need to stop scaring them away with your, "I hate you," and, "I want to stab you," and "Hey, little girl, want some candy? JUST CLIMB IN MY VAAAAAAAAAAANNNN..." Girls don't normally like to date unstable psychopaths.

Oh, and I think your frustration with girls stems from two things:
1) you haven't had much social contact with girls and consequently they make you feel weird and you don't like it.
2) you're secretly gay.
Only YEARS of expensive therapy can say for sure. I'd call a therapist now, before you turn into "THE rapist."

In conclusion, most of your troubles are your own **** fault, and you should consider yourself **** lucky that you have such nice friends who will actually tell you, in no uncertain terms, just how much of a **** up you are.

PS The words censored were things rhyming with "spam" and "duck." I wish this forum didn't have this filter...it's really stunting my ******* vocabulary.

Re: Re: That Crap Dwayne Wrote 1/28/03

I don't know Dwayne that well. Only from the waning days of his senior year did I get to know him.

I think Dwayne is very rational, though sometimes confused when it comes to girls. You can say the same about me too. I guess with the both of us, we overanalyze our own thoughts in our own special ways.

He can't possibly be that bad can he? I mean, we take everything in our own approach right?

Re: Re: That Crap Dwayne Wrote 1/28/03

First of all, I think you're off by a year.

Second of all, I think you missed the quote "Until then, I will be content with playing computer games and stuff," which includes Dialbo II and MTG and related ****. (Eating food doesn't make me happy. I makes me not hungry instead.)

Third of all, my frustration from girls stems from my experiences with Cindy and from my experience with people after the Leland Speech & Debate spread around over-exagerrated stories about me stalking and **** like that (and that was BEFORE the infamous article, mind you), so... umm... yeah.

Last of all, yes, the anti-swearing filter sucks. If I had the money, I'd prolly pay to turn off the swearing-filter.

Of course, if I had money, I wouldn't waste it on bravenet. I'd buy the expensive one, like the kind they use on AvalancheOnline.com.


Re: Re: That Crap Dwayne Wrote 1/28/03

Oh, and my last post was directed at Alan, not Albert, just so you know.

Heh, if I had money, I'd get a forum that had passwords and user accounts, and it'd let you edit posts, too.


Re: Re: That Crap Dwayne Wrote 1/28/03

To Albert: Heh, "confused when it comes to girls," eh? That's a good way to put it! Like he can't decide whether to rape 'em or ask 'em to a movie. Yes, he is that **** bad!

To Dwayne: "Over-exaggerated?" YOU STALK PEOPLE! How can that be over-exagerated? Did they say you stalk more than one person at once? And how do you figure I'm off by a year? You're pretty much the same as a year ago, except I think you now have a general idea of just how much of a sucka you really are.

And as for the Cindy issue, you should learn a few things from it:
1) listen to your friends, because only 20% of them are actually out to get you, and the other 80% really do want to help.
2) "no" means "no," sucka!
3) become more perceptive of subtle clues that the girl doesn't like you, such as her avoiding you all the time, running away screaming, restraining order etc.

I have no idea how you managed to convince yourself she liked you. Not that Albert helped the situation, since he was actually trying to score of Cindy at the same time you were.


Re: Re: That Crap Dwayne Wrote 1/28/03

Che. Cynical, aren't we?

I have nothing more to say at the moment.

Re: Alan

To Alan: Well, first of all, I posted the **** in 200_4_, not 2003, so yes, you ARE off by a year.

Second of all, I'm not confused when it comes to girls. I know exactly what I'm doing (which does not include raping, by the way; I think your confusing the real me with your webcomic's twisted version of me).

Third of all, no, I DON'T stalk people...

Unless by stalk you mean say hi to people and be friendly, in which case, yes I do stalk, except that stalk sounds WAY too negative to describe such behavior. I'd prolly say... I greet people. Yes, I greet people a lot.

Fourth of all, I think you're confusing Cindy with Connie.

Fifth of all, Connie didn't give me any hints that she hated me. On the contrary, she tried to make me believe otherwise by saying yes to the Prom. At the very least, the messages were neutral.

Sixth of all, no one's every run screaming from me, and Connie's never avoided me before. (Others have, but those were mostly girls that I barely even knew who had hear those stories from LSD, so it's not really my fault, ya know?)

Seventh of all, Connie never said no. First, she said yes. Then, she said nothing at all.

Eighth of all, for a close friend of mine, you certainly seem to know very little about me.

Last of all, yes, I like writing my arguments say "Nth of all" in my articles.

There, I hope that clears up any weird misconceptions.
