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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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Using language to control thoughts

I read or heard something interesting recently but I can't recall where. It may have been Father Groeschel on EWTN.

The gist of it was that defining people by what they DO enables them to be de-humanized and reduced to an undesirable or negative behavior. Examples: "haters", "molesters", "holocaust deniers", "gays", and the like.

It is much more accurate to refer to people as having such and such an opinion or behaving is such and such a manner (or do we really need to be constantly reminded of the sexual activities of others regardless of the "orientation"??). Much more civilized and friendly as well. Not everyone is going to agree with us on all things or maybe even most things. There is no reason why they should. People are much more than their behaviors, have much more intrinsic worth than their behaviors.

Re: Using language to control thoughts

You left out your favorite invective label--commies. LOL!

Re: Using language to control thoughts

I am a Catholic, a caucasian, a female. Those are not behaviors. A communist has a particular worldview. It may seem a narrow distinction but it is important. To take a behavior and use it to define the entire person is much more dehumanizing.

And yet your commentary constantly reduces people to the labels

that you believe classifies them as an US or a THEM in your US-and-THEM world.

Us and them??

Like say, evil capitalists and noble sharers? Evil and stupid "consumers" and those who consume just as much but pretend they don't and just want OTHERS to consume what they do? Drivers of SUVs in suburbs as opposed to noble users of mass transit and hive dwelling? The dumbed down theocrats vs the enlightened consensus state believers? Yes, you are SO "inclusive", so devoted to "unity"....as long as it's YOUR worldview all are "united" into.

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