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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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Join up to stop the climate from changing (yeah, right)...or else

This ad was pulled due to public outrage

Apparently it had corporate sponsors as well as some tax funding.

Join moronic scientists to stop climate change.

Duh! Climate <-- Link

A Hyperlinked History of Climate Change Science
"To a patient scientist, the unfolding greenhouse mystery is far more exciting than the plot of the best mystery novel. But it is slow reading, with new clues sometimes not appearing for several years. Impatience increases when one realizes that it is not the fate of some fictional character, but of our planet and species, which hangs in the balance as the great carbon mystery unfolds at a seemingly glacial pace."
— D. Schindler

What were the scientists saying about planned obsolescence in the 60s and 70s? Were the laws of physics changing every year so it made sense to redesign cars?

Re: Join moronic scientists to stop climate change.

What was it Paul Ehrlick was scaring us all to death with in the '70's?

Re: Join moronic scientists to stop climate change.

The temperature data was trending down at the time.

There were two simultaneous effects. Particulate matter causes dimming which reduces temperature. CO2 increases greenhouse effect which raises temperature. The anti-pollution efforts beginning in the late 60s focussed on particulate matter. So reducing the particulate matter leaves the the CO2 effect by itself.

Glob Dim


Re: Join moronic scientists to stop climate change.

"What were the scientists saying about planned obsolescence in the 60s and 70s?"
To the best of my knowledge "planned obsolescence" was a marketing and accounting conept not a scientific one.
The salesmen and bookkeepers wanted products to sell. They did not worry about production, marginal contribution to profits or much of anything else.
I still remember the cost accountant that told me I had cost the company money by eliminating a rental property. His explanation? As a result we moved production from a low overhead area to a high overhead area. The higher overhead made the product unprofitable.

Re: Join moronic scientists to stop climate change.

The category is irrelevant.

The manufacture of all of this crap produced pollution. The junk is thrown away and more is purchased and that produced more pollution.

So by not pointing out the USELESS VARIATIONS the scientists are allowing the wasted manufacturing. Whether its accounting or economics is irrelevant. The Planned Obsolescence PRODUCED THE POLLUTION.

The Late Stephen Schneider on Climate Change
Re: Join moronic scientists to stop climate change.

That is so wrong headed. If you study the conditions of the early 20th Century we were far worse off in re pollution. As you go further back in time conditions were even worse.
Your message is loud and clear. You want to dictate to the rest of us.

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