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Don't forget....

Don't forget www.jewsagainstzionism.com, www.jewsnotzionists.com and, Israel SHamir! All Jews, all against Zionism.The first group calls themselves Torah Jews. I wonder if they are opposed to the Talmud?


Don't expect them to care. Their minds are made up. Interesting finds though...


Re: Not a rant!

Hi Moi,

It's funny how, for a couple of centuries now, there's been an ongoing project to completely dismember Christianity and the Bible as well as thoroughly sanitize the public square from any hint of Christian expression. However, criticize the Talmud and suddenly some will want to (pardon the expression) crucify you!

Although some will always respond with a knee-jerk reaction when a certain religious group is mentioned, I agree with you that it is vital to understand this religion and its foundational documents in order to understand events in the world today.

Talmudism has had a vast impact upon the world, right down to the things we see happening in the Middle East today. We see people on TV and radio yammering endlessly about how we must defeat "Islamo-fascism," but what if there is a danger of "Talmudo-fascism" as well? What if an extreme variant of Islam is not alone in containing a totalitarian impulse and a double standard conferring superiority upon a small, special group of people? I believe the evident fact that the U.S. media values Israeli lives far above Palestinian or Lebanese lives, has to do with this double standard that holds one special group to be "more equal" than all the rest. And that attitude can be traced back to Talmudism and its twisting of the original concept of a "chosen people."

By the way, the Jews are not the only group with a "Talmud." Many religious groups have them. In other words, all these groups claiming to be based upon a divinely inspired scripture have developed additional bodies of religious traditions and interpretations of "sages" which add to, obscure, or in many cases directly contradict the original scriptures!

Roman Catholicism has been writing its Talmud for 1,700 years, and it's not finished yet. Fundamentalist Christian groups have their versions of the Talmud too. (Even "Bible-based" sects have lots of doctrines and rules that are not prescribed, if even hinted at, in the Bible they claim to believe.) And of course, Muslims have their Talmud as well. That is the story of manmade religion.

Yeshua of Nazareth himself referred to such bodies of tradition in his frequent excoriations of the Pharisees (the "religious right" of their day) for following their convoluted and impossibly burdensome traditions instead of the comparatively simple laws of Yahweh. Pharasaism won out, so Judaism for most of the last 2,000 years has followed the path of the Pharisees. Nothing much has changed.

Talmuds abound in other fields as well (particularly those with large concentrations of Talmudists). Take the field of law, and in particular, Constitutional law. Consider how a relatively simple, plainly written, unlawyerly document that any American (even the dumbed-down American of today) could read and understand, has been garbled, obscured, and mysticalized by the black-robed priesthood who believe that only they are capable of divining its mysterious, esoteric secrets. Look at how so-called "case law" made by judges has obscured and overturned actual laws made by leglislatures. You are witnessing the application of ancient Talmudism to modern-day American law.


...ongoing project to completely dismember Christianity and the Bible as well as thoroughly sanitize the public square from any hint of Christian expression....

Well, not quite that long, more like a cenury, give or take a couple of decades. But that's long enough.


...I believe the evident fact that the U.S. media values Israeli lives far above Palestinian or Lebanese lives, has to do with this double standard...

And I meant to add, "U.S. foreign policy," in which the double standard is perhaps even more egregious.

Re: Re: Not a rant!


Re: Re: Not a rant!

Since you have such a respect for the Bible, perhaps you should consider the scripture that says "He who blesses Israel will be blessed and he who curses Israel will be cursed." It means nothing to me, but you're the Christian, after all. No doubt you can do a fair bit of "talmudizing" to get around that admonition.

No one crucified anyone for criticising the Talmud. It's all voodoo to me. But we all know that, except for the orthodox who make up a minority of the Jews throughout the world, the Talmud has never been touched by most Jews. Jews possibly more than anyone are willing to question and criticize their own "holy" books. Thus the vast number of reform, conservative, reconstructionist, humanistic, and secular Jews.

Why not respond to me rather than Moi? Unless the folks offering up warmed over Nazi ideology just want to hear each other talk. There are plenty of other message boards for that.

Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

Since you have such a respect for the Bible, perhaps you should consider the scripture that says "He who blesses Israel will be blessed and he who curses Israel will be cursed."

There is no such scripture.

Such a promise was made to an individual named Abraham. It was never made to a 20th-century state calling itself Israel, nor even to all people calling themselves Jews or practicing a religion called Judaism. That's the short answer.

No one crucified anyone for criticising the Talmud.

Well, you're implying that those who criticize the Talmud are Nazis, and surely that's a form of figurative crucifixion.

But we all know that, except for the orthodox who make up a minority of the Jews throughout the world, the Talmud has never been touched by most Jews

Not today, but I'm speaking in historical terms. Until the last few generations, the Jews in general were a devoutly religious people and identified (and segregated) themselves accordingly. Their beliefs and their communities were strictly run according to Talmudic doctrine. Despite secularization, no one (especially not Jews) would deny that this religion has deeply influenced them to this day. The more introspective and candid among them acknowledge that some of these influences -- particularly along the lines of clannishness and feelings of superiority over the "goyim" -- have not served them well. A little honesty would provide an answer to the constant wail of "why does everybody hate us, seeing how much better we are than all of them?"

... warmed over Nazi ideology ...

How much easier it is to label your opponent a Nazi than to intelligently respond to his views. That's sad.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

Well, like I said, I don't hold to the Bible. But most Christians do interpret that passage that way. Maybe you know better.

I never said that anyone who criticizes the Talmud is a Nazi (I personally think we'd all be better off if the Talmud, the Bible, and the Koran were never written by their obviously flawed, human authors). And my Nazi comment was more directed to Moi than to you. Although your generalizations about clannishness and feelings of superiority are the same ones made by anti-semites throughout the ages. What group has been immune to that may I ask? And I suppose one would have to reject the Bible with its concept of chosenness, which is no doubt where these supposed feelings of superiority got their start. Your immediate statement that "Christians have put up with persecution so why do the Jews complain" is inherently flawed. If you don't like how some secularists and some Jews treat Christianity, fine. But two wrongs certainly don't make a right.

And I don't see any toe-the-line apologists for Israel here. So if Mr. Gatto doesn't mind, I suppose an intelligent debate on the matter could be held. But really, Henry Ford? Khazars? Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Debate ideas. But don't use the old lies.

And since you're so focussed on the Talmud, what would you have Jews do? These volumes were written centuries ago and you seem to have implicity agreed that they have been left behind by many Jews. Yet you are holding Jews somehow responsible for it en masse. And like I said, if you comb the scriptures of all faiths, you're going to find exculsionary passages. I don't think I need to quote them, but non-Christians going to hell, infidels deserving death, are pretty straightforward. So let's not point fingers unless you want some pointing back at you. Remember, Moi started this whole thing by attacking "Khazars" and "Talmudists". It wasn't the other way around.

And let's not forget...

my post above listing the many Jews who have worked hard against zionism.

Let's also not forget that the intermarriage rate among Jews hovers around 50%. Doesn't sound very clannish to me. I doubt that the adopted Asian children of the one half-Jewish couple I know would agree with your assessment of Jews as clannish and superior.

Oh, and also...

Looking back, I see that I never labeled anyone a Nazi. But "warmed over Nazi ideology" is accurate. The Nazis were very big on proclaiming Judaism to be inauthentic, which seems to be a big thing to you. Might not make you a Nazi, but I wouldn't feel comfortable spouting Nazi beliefs about Jews. Maybe that's just me.

Some Christians would see any post-Jesus version of Judaism as inauthentic, by the way, since Christianity is supposedly the fulfillment of Judaism. It seems to me Jews would have to either continue sacrificing animals in a temple that was destroyed by the Romans or become Christians to make you happy with their religion. I guess they found a way that works for them. Some are still finding it.

Re: Oh, and also...


No, you didn't explicitly label anyone a Nazi, you just implied it by saying they were serving up "warmed-over Nazi ideology," which in Zionist-speak is tantamount to an accusation of being a Nazi. Perhaps we should choose our words more carefully. (I really mean "we," including myself -- I am careless with my words sometimes too.)

Some Christians would see any post-Jesus version of Judaism as inauthentic, by the way, since Christianity is supposedly the fulfillment of Judaism. It seems to me Jews would have to either continue sacrificing animals in a temple that was destroyed by the Romans or become Christians to make you happy with their religion.

I agree with you. That's the existential dilemma of Judaism, and this backdrop of self-doubt could be one of the reasons why large segments of Jewry got so sidetracked into things like materialism, Marxism, secular humanism, Zionism, and attacking Christianity and any public manifestation thereof.

The fact is that Judaism in itself is an unfulfilled religion. The faith of the Old Testament was never meant to be the final word since it always anticipated fulfillment in the coming of a Messiah. When Jerusalem and the Temple (and therefore the means of practicing the faith) were destroyed, that signaled the closing of a window and presented a very stark choice for believers: either the Messiah had already come, or the religion of the Jews was a fraud.

The Pharisees and their followers, however, continued to limp along, and it seems that a lot of the desire for a Messiah has been mischanneled into political movements such as Marxism and Zionism. Zionism, in fact, is an intensely Messianic ideology, except that its messiah seems to be a secular political state.

Re: Re: Oh, and also...

Well said, afa.

You might not want to cast too many of your pearls before the swine in that Noel isn;t interested much in learning about authentic Christianity (her words to Mrs Preterist), or any of Christianity's variants at all. Her loss.

I might add that your comments regarding the clannish nature of Jews is in fact correct, although their proximate behavior vis a vis each other is as normal as the sun's rise in LG's eastern Boston sky (viz, Mexicans, Asians, Indians, Africans, African Americans, et al are likewise clannish...American WASPS are the exception. Lonely buggers, them white boys).

Chicago's fortunate to have ya, and so is JTG.com.

Has Louis Farrakhan joined the discussion?


Re: Has Louis Farrakhan joined the discussion?

That's mighty white of you missy.

Re: Re: Has Louis Farrakhan joined the discussion?

Hey, I know! Dispensational premillenialism is just one more Jewish plot! In fact, I'm really Moi/Carmen who posted just in order to get this thread rolling and have a forum for furthering the agenda of the Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy!

Re: Re: Oh, and also...

Well, you DO serve up warmed over Nazi ideology, regardless of what this may be zionist speak for. It's a plain enough fact, and you sound comfortable doing so, so what's the problem?

And since I'm no theologian, I'll leave you to your beliefs. Too bad there's no learned Jew to answer you. I'm sure that would be a fascinating exchange.

I notice, however, that you are very happy to point out the flaws in other folks' religious beliefs instead of realizing that, short of God speaking to us personally, we're all just doing our best to make it in this crazy world. Kind of ironic that you who accuse Jews of feelings of superiority have no problems attacking their religion. I don't see Jews caring a whit what Christians believe. Although no doubt you will be able to cite many examples of this, probably dug up in 2000 year old texts, or in reliable Czarist forgeries, or told to you by your Jewish "friend".

You seem indignant that Jews have not, for the most part, had the veil lifted from their eyes and accepted your Lord and Savior. This indignation is the source of atrocities against Jews throughout the ages and, regardless of whether you think I'm spouting Zionist propaganda or trying to elicit pity or whatever, it led not all that circuitously to the fires of Auschwitz.

Oh sorry, 60 years is SUCH a LOOOONG time. Let's all get over it! The Jews sort of deserved it after all.

Re: Re: Re: Oh, and also...

Rant on, Noel, as your slogans and labels only serve to induce rest and jest at their best.

It's good to see you have a conscience. Wanna guess where it came from? Oh, sorry, I forgot your not interested in learning about that which you have sooooo many opinions about.

I respect your moral impulses, but keep in mind that you're not likely to make too many friends or enjoin listening ears with your indignant tone and aspersions toward others. Your venom is every bit a lethal as that of those you scorn, and given the right opportunity might manifest itself in the way you claim is loathesome to you.

Discovering the underlying truth of yourself will be more illuminating than pointing out the flaws in those who don't see the world with your narrowed, admittedly ignorant (by choice) on religiuos subjects, perception.

In the word's of Robert Plant, there's still time to change the road you're on.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

We're getting somewhat afield from the original post -- in fact, I don't even recall what the original post said. However, there are worthwhile things to say, so why not continue.

Although your generalizations about clannishness and feelings of superiority are the same ones made by anti-semites throughout the ages. What group has been immune to that may I ask?

My purpose is not to demonize Jews (for whatever that label is worth). Some of my best friends are Jews, and at least one of them feels as strongly about Zionism as I do. In one of the first conversations we ever had about the subject of Zionism, I played the devil's advocate and said, "but didn't the Jews need a homeland because of all the persecution they suffered?" and she replied, "but we brought a lot of that on ourselves." That struck me as a remarkably honest and insightful comment. (By the way, I'm with Bill Cosby and a lot of other thoughtful black Americans when it comes to our own problems: we've brought a lot of them upon ourselves too.)

Most groups are clannish and tribalistic to some extent, but none like the Jews throughout their history. If you read their own histories, you find that much of the segregation was self-enforced as a way to avoid contact with the unclean Gentile -- and, I suspect, a way for their leaders to keep them under control. That is fading somewhat as secularization and Westernization take their hold. However, the Jewish political establishment or "organized Jewry" seems every bit as determined to hold onto and enforce it throughout their ranks. It is this apparatus which advocated and continues to prop up Zionism.

And I suppose one would have to reject the Bible with its concept of chosenness, which is no doubt where these supposed feelings of superiority got their start. ...

As I said before, I think that is a twisting of the real message of the Bible. Whenever one reads of the promises to Abraham and his descendants in the Bible, one reads of great promises but also of great responsibility. Many of the promises are conditioned upon Israel adhering to strict standards of righteousness -- standards which the very same Bible shows the Israelites continually rejected. The Israelites were to have been a light to the world, an example of a God-fearing, righteous, and prosperous nation. They were not chosen to glory in their own superiority so much as to declare the superiority and sovereignty of the one true God.

Their own scripture, the Old Testament, dispassionately chronicles how they rejected their God and their responsibility and were divinely punished for their sin. It contains the excoriating condemnation of their own prophets, the likes of which were uttered by a Gentile today, would result in immediate crucifixion (yes, I used it again) as evil and anti-semitic. In fact, they persecuted and killed their prophets, who were their own flesh and blood.

Christians and Muslims know this story (well, at least Christians used to know it, but this knowledge has been propagandized out of them in recent decades), which is why it is a particular affront to have a group representing themselves as Israel again picking up the 3,000 -year-old banner of "the chosen people" and the true inheritors of the Promised Land.

I'm not at all arguing for persecution of the Jews or anyone else. However, I do think they should not be as exempt from criticism as they (i.e., the powerful among them) would like to be. I think they deserve to be condemned when they persecute others, and to be held to the same standard as everyone else.

But really, Henry Ford? Khazars? Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Debate ideas. But don't use the old lies.

The "lies" were popularized in a book by Arthur Koestler, a Jew, but had also been reported long before that in an evil anti-semitic publication known as the Encyclopedia Judaica. Seeing how racial pedigree from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob seems such an important part of the Jewish claims of specialness, the revelation that the majority today are not descendants of those patriarchs at all would certainly throw a monkey wrench into the whole machine.

Christians know (or ought to know) what the Israelites were long ago warned, and what Yeshua preached. God is able to create sons of Abraham from the stones of the ground. Abraham himself was chosen for special blessings not because of his pedigree but because of his obedient faith. Half a century later, after being freed from captivity, the Israelites were again promised that they would be God's "chosen people" as long as they showed the same obedient faith, worshiping Yahweh and keeping his laws. THe rest of the Old Testament chronicles how they refused to do so, and were sorely punished, with the final punishment being the taking away of their land and kingdom and being scattered to the four winds. The anti-Zionists (which include Jews and others) view Zionism, correctly in my opinion, as an attempt to reverse this judgment; to sieze upon the legacy of Abraham and Israel to create a secular "Kingdom of God" in violation of God's will. In so doing, this movement threatens to send the world into war. This is deadly serious business and it deserves to be understood by all.

Where the Talmudic religion comes in is as a foundation and prelude to Zionism, in setting up the "us versus them" antagonism against Christianity that set the stage for Zionism. It is in fact a religious war, or rather, a struggle for power under the banner of religion, that has been bubbling largely under the surface for 2,000 years. I would also condemn Christians who have persecuted Jews, since it is pretty clear that Christians are not supposed to harm others or engage in retaliation. However, it is what it is, and needs to be recognized as such. That's all I have time for tonight.


Where the Talmudic religion comes in is as a foundation and prelude to Zionism, in setting up the "us versus them" antagonism against Christianity that set the stage for Zionism. It is in fact a religious war, or rather, a struggle for power under the banner of religion, that has been bubbling largely under the surface for 2,000 years. I would also condemn Christians who have persecuted Jews, since it is pretty clear that Christians are not supposed to harm others or engage in retaliation. However, it is what it is, and needs to be recognized as such. That's all I have time for tonight.


If, following upon centuries of persecution of Jews by Christians, the Dreyfus trial hadn't taken place, with crowds shouting "Death to the Jews," Herzl might not have been convinced of the need for a Jewish homeland. The Talmud was not something that set up an "us versus them" antagonism with Christianity.

Arthur Koestler did not popularize the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which circulated pre-Third Reich and influenced, shall we say, Germans in their persecution of Jews. Arthur Koestler did not popularize Henry's Ford's The International Jew.

If Israel had been founded in Uganda, maybe some of its neighbors wouldn't have been set on annihilating the country. But it wasn't founded in Uganda, and any Promised Land zealotry on the part of Israel is matched by Christian beliefs of Armageddon or the Second Coming or whatever the Christian right-wing fundamentalists believe about the war in the Middle East. Maybe in recognizing that "it is what it is," you should also recognize Christian and Islamist religious input into the ongoing conflagrations instead of harking back to divine retribution in the Old Testament!

Now that the country exists, it should be permitted to exist in peace with its neighbors. Hezbollah is not Isaiah or Habbakuk or Nahum.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

No offense, but your Jewish friend sounds like an idiot. Expulsions, inquisitions, pogroms, genocide... I think a little clannishness would be in order, wouldn't you? It's a wonder that every single Jew is not a homicidal sociopath. Instead, Jews have contributed to the enrichment of society far beyond their numbers.

As far as choseness is concerned, the Christians I know would take that far more seriously than the Jews.
And I'd personally characterize Christians who believe non-Christians are ****ed to be more "superior" in feeling than Jews who believe "the righteous of all nations have a share in the world to come." (That's from talmudic writings, by the way.) And I'm well aware of your salvation through faith beliefs and it's availability to EVERYONE, but I'm not impressed.

The more I think about your calling Jews hypocrites for fighting against Christianity in the public sphere while bringing their "talmudical" worldview into our legal system, the more contrived and twisted your argument seems. Sorry, but only someone looking for a reason to disdain Jews could come up with something so bizarre.

The bottom line, FA, is that everything you ascribe to Jews--clannishness, a corrupt nation-state--could be said of any group. Because Jews are a minority which has achieved prominence in many fields (due, no doubt, to their esteem of learning) there have always been non-Jews who resent this iconic Other. It really does come down to that. Jews are successful and have the chutzpah to fight for what they believe, and that is just intolerable to some.

A debate on Zionism should not be framed around an "iamthewitness" website

Moi introduced this discussion with a plea to look at information at iamthewitness.com.

Discussion of Zionism or the Talmud in such an inflammatory, National Enquirerlike context is futile.

Despite holding forth on religion as if you are knowledgeable on both the mundane and arcane history of different traditions, at the end of your post you sound like a bigot, not an impartial historian, criticizing Jewish people for having segregated themselves while claiming to be persecuted for being "better" than everybody else. Did Jews isolate themselves out of a sense of superiority or because they were not admitted to the dominant society unless they converted to Christianity? If Jews did in fact regard themselves as superior to the "goyim," would that justify or explain away persecution and scapegoating throughout the ages?

Moi seems to be saying that Zionists are betraying the Jews, and you seem to be saying that Judaism itself is the source of Zionism. Or isn't that what you're saying?

In addition to picturing Mel Gibson as some type of victim of a plot, the website that moi recommended also cites Arthur Koestler's book on Khazars, The Thirteenth Tribe. Maybe a small band of Khazars is plotting to control the world and destroy the human race. It's good of moi to sound the alert to save real Jews, not imposters, from such a fate.

Re: A debate on Zionism should not be framed around an "iamthewitness" website

It seems to me that the iamthewitness site discusses important issues and asks important questions that are being asked by Jews, Christians, Muslims and agnostics alike.

Its tone is somewhat inflammatory, but that is what tends to happen when freedom of speech and thought are suppressed.

... the question of the Jews has come to the fore ... efforts will be made to hush it up as impolitic for open discussion. If, however, experience has taught us anything it is that questions thus suppressed will sooner or later break out in undesirable and unprofitable forms.

(Henry Ford, The International Jew)

at the end of your post you sound like a bigot, not an impartial historian, criticizing Jewish people for having segregated themselves while claiming to be persecuted for being "better" than everybody else. Did Jews isolate themselves out of a sense of superiority or because they were not admitted to the dominant society unless they converted to Christianity?

The Jews had always isolated themselves. This is common knowledge.

[The rulers of Alexandria] set apart for them a particular place, that they might live without being polluted [by the gentiles]. (Flavius Josephus, The Wars of the Jews. 2:487-48

(taken from here

See the 2nd chapter of Galatians re: this issue in the early Christian church. This continued into the diaspora.

To a large extent this probably caused tje perception that Jews regarded themselves as better than their hosts.

Of course there was also persecution by "Christians," which further solidified this antagonism, but even where the Jews were perfectly free they tended to segregate themselves.

The "Christian" persecution of Jews, when it genuinely occurred, was wrong. Christians were not called to persecute, take revenge, shed blood, or to wield worldly political power. True Christians are not to engage in wars and feuds. However, many professing Christians fell into this kind of behavior. But it's not as if it were completely irrational and unprovoked.

Moi seems to be saying that Zionists are betraying the Jews, and you seem to be saying that Judaism itself is the source of Zionism. <,/i>

Both. The Jews have been and are being betrayed by their own leaders. Zionism springs from the longing for a Messiah, twisted and misapplied for the purposes of political power.

Re: Not a rant!


Your imposition of pc rules on this board are tiresome. It wouldn't hurt to cool your tubes and listen up once in a while, especially if you're not versed in what you're talking about. The Nazi label is old and worn, or in the words of Ms. Coulter, employed when a liberal is losing an argument. Now there, I got that off my chest.

As for the Israel comment you knew nothing about there is only ONE ISRAEL today and that is the true CONGREGATION of Christ!!

In the Old Testament, Israel is called the wife of Jehovah. In the New Testament the congregation is called the bride or wife of Christ. It is the SAME thing as Jesus IS JEHOVAH.

God has ONLY ONE wife....He is NOT a bigamist....The Old Testament Israel is DEAD and gone forever - slain by the Roman sword in 70 A.D. The TRUE Israel is now the CONGREGATION of Christ comprising ALL who believe in the Risen Christ. Salvation is by GRACE today . . . not by race.

St. Paul said to the church of Galatia:
"And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the ISRAEL of God" (Galatians 6:16).

All the prophecies about the dispersion and return of the Jews to their own land were fulfilled at the end the Babylonian Captivity in 457 B.C.,— not 1948 when the State of Israel was formed:

"In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places desolate . . . ye shall be scattered among the countries . . . among the nations whither they shall be carried captives . . . all the house of Israel shall remove and go into captivity . . . I will scatter them among the nations" (Ezekiel ch. 6–12).(Ezekiel prophesied about 500 B.C.).

This was the Diaspora. . . . And now the re-gathering of the Jews to their own land 70 years later:

"For thus saith the Lord, that after 70 years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you . . . and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations . . . and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive" (Jeremiah. 29: 10-14).

Not one single verse in the Old Testament,1 or New, written after the Babylonian Captivity mentions any other dispersion and re-gathering of the Jews.

For 1,500 years prior to Christ the Jews began their new year in the Springtime and the Passover was at the time of the full moon. It was second nature to them . . . almost like breathing . . . Selah.

Knowing the location of their Temple over the Gihon Spring in Jerusalem was also second nature to them. They could probably find it blindfolded!!

Biblical Jews were mostly soldiers, writers, poets, farmers, musicians, tradesmen, builders, etc., etc. Very few of them were merchants.

That mighty race disappeared from history after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Most of the smart ones converted to the Messiah and the rest were exterminated by the Roman wild beast.

The people who call themselves "Jew's" today have no connection with that chosen people. They are Samaritans, their year begins in the fall and this year they "celebrated" Passover on April 20.

Samaria — home of the phony Jews — was located just North of Jerusalem.

At the time of Christ there were plenty of phony Jews around. They were called Samaritans and lived north of Jerusalem. Jesus actually had an interview with one of them when he journeyed through Samaria and stopped to talk to a Samaritan woman:

"Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, asketh drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealing with the Samaritans" (John 4:9).

Then she went on to claim that she was descended from Jacob the great Jewish patriarch:

"Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle" (John 4:12).

But Jesus said unto her:

"Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22).

Jesus rejected the Samaritans claim of descent from Abraham. He refused to call them Jews:

"Go not unto the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt. 10:5).

One of these Samaritans named Simon had a confrontation with the Apostle Peter in Acts chapter 8 when he tried to buy the Gift of God with money.

"But Peter said unto him (Simon Magus), Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money" (Acts 8:20).

This Simon the Sorcerer went to Rome and was honored as a god in that city with a stature being erected in his honor. This was the beginning of the close relationship between Rome and the phony Jews.

Josephus, the great Jewish historian mentions the Samaritans.

"When the Jews are in adversity they [the Samaritans] deny that they are kin to them, and THEN THEY CONFESS THE TRUTH; but when they perceive that some good fortune hath befallen them, they immediately PRETEND to have communion with them, saying, that they belong to them, and desire their genealogy from the posterity of Joseph, Ephraim, and Manasseh And when they see the Jews in prosperity, they PRETEND they are changed and allied to them, and call them kinsmen, as though they were derived from Joseph, and had by that means an original alliance with them; but when they see them falling into a low condition, they say that they are no way related to them, and that the Jews have no right to expect any kindness or marks of KINDRED from them, but they declare that they are sojourners, that come from OTHER countries" (Josephus, Antiquities, IX, 14, 3).

When the Jewish wars began around 66 A.D., these Samaritans denied kinship with the real Jews and thus escaped from the Roman sword.

Just before He went to the cross in 30 A.D., Jesus made some startling predictions about a great tribulation, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the world. Then He made another startling prediction, He said that all these things would come to pass in one generation:

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Matt. 24:34.

What did He mean? Was He wrong since the world did not come to an end in 70 A.D.?

The world did come to an end in 70 A.D. — for the Jewish nation. Jesus gave that wicked nation and city a probationary period of 40 years to repent.

General Titus besieged the city and over 1 million people were killed in the siege. The full account is given by the Jewish historian Josephus in his Wars of the Jews.

To be a Jew you had to prove ancestry from Abraham or be married to someone who was thus descended. All the genealogical records were kept in the Temple which was completely destroyed. The Jews were scattered to the four winds. After the Fall of Rome, they and all the civilizations that comprised the Empire were swept away forever.

Arch of Titus in Rome commemorating his victory over the Jewish nation.

In the Old Testament, and impassable barrier had been erected between Jew and Gentile. Christianity did away with all racial divisions. The new nation was based on grace and not race. . . .

The Jewish nation, beginning with Abraham, had its 2,000 year existence and now the Holy Nation — the true Church — comprising all who believe in the Risen Christ would have a similar history.

After the Fall of Rome, true Christianity moved Westward — to Hibernia and was preserved by the Scots.

All the promises made to Abraham and King David in the Old Testament were fulfilled in the Resurrection and glorification of Jesus Christ in Heaven. St. Peter said:

"Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him (King David), that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; He seeing this before spake of the RESURRECTION of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption." (Acts 2:30-310)

There you have it: Since the Resurrection and Exaltation of Christ there is no longer any need for Jews. The Jewish nation was founded to bring forth the Savior of the world (the living Word) and to bring forth the written Word of God. By 70 A.D., all the Bible was finished except for the Book of Revelation and nothing new was added except to clarify what had already been foretold.

In the great prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, God told Daniel the Prophet that 490 years were appointed to his nation . . . then it would be swept away as with a flood or destroyed forever. . . . Nothing is mentioned about any future re-gathering

The old city of Jerusalem is still trodden down by the Gentiles exactly as Jesus predicted:

"Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24).

In the New Testament era the "Holy City" is the true Church — the New Jerusalem — comprised of all those, regardless of nationality, who believe that Jesus died and rose again:

"And there shall in no wise enter into it (the Holy City — New Jerusalem) anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life" (Rev. 21:27).

Is your name there?

Re: Re: Not a rant!

Mrs. Preterist,

See my answer (below I think?) I never called anyone a Nazi, but called some of the nonsense being spouted by Moi, especially, "warmed over Nazi ideology." Which it is. For instance, they loved the "protocols" and so does she. They believed in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. So does she. Point proven.

Sorry you find me tiresome. Perhaps you would like to skip my posts, as infrequently as they appear. I'm imposing nothing here, just responding to Moi's exhortations that we debate intelligently. I'm doing my best. Sorry you don't find it up to your exacting standards.

Your biblical scholarship is stunning. Too bad, as I already explained, I find the Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud virtually indistinguishable from Voodoo. Sorry that my studies have led me in a different direction than it has you. God will have to judge me most harshly for that no doubt.

And while I don't have the patience to read through all of the fascinating theology you presented, I do know enough about Christianity to know that some Christians are triumphalists and some are not. I'll leave it to the Christians to hash that one out.

The part of the equation that you seem to leave out (correct me if I'm wrong) is what the 14 million or so usurpers should do. Demand that everyone stop calling them Jews? Jump into the sea and drown since they really haven't a place in your scheme of things? I ask a reasonable question, don't you think?

Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

>>>>The part of the equation that you seem to leave out (correct me if I'm wrong) is what the 14 million or so usurpers should do. Demand that everyone stop calling them Jews? Jump into the sea and drown since they really haven't a place in your scheme of things? I ask a reasonable question, don't you think?<<<<

Nation-State Israel has a place to be sure, and I don't think they're going anywhere soon, nor should they. If anything it looks like they're expanding their territorial holdings, albeit thru war crimes that are creating a nightmarish humanitarian tragedy for their northern neighbors.

Being that I'm not a member of the neocon right wing, what happens to Israel is of no more or less importance to myself than what happens to any group of nation-staters.

If you're asking, do I think the state of Israel should be annihilated, I'd shout to the heavens absolutely not! If you ask me, is the state of Israel a hallmark of freedom and justice that is a model to be preserved through American blood and treasure I'd say absolutely not!

If people choose to call themselves jews in the state of Israel, that's their business, or in the words of Murray Rothbard, none of my business. As far as I'm concerned Zionism is just as legit as Americanism, however, the Zionists problems are not with the likes of myself, a world removed from her shores, and more or less disinterested in her machinations, but rather those of her neighbors. I dno't think the state sponsored murdering of ones neighbors is a good way to engender happy days, though.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

A reasonable response. I'm relieved. However, considering that your exegesis was to prove that, as Anonymous quoted, "There is no longer any need for Jews" and that the Jews (not Israel) are inauthentically Jewish, my question was aimed at what those of this inauthentic Jewish religion should do. Clearly, they don't fit into your theology and there's "no need" for them, so what should they do, assuming they don't want to be Christians?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Not a rant!

>>>>A reasonable response. I'm relieved. However, considering that your exegesis was to prove that, as Anonymous quoted, "There is no longer any need for Jews" and that the Jews (not Israel) are inauthentically Jewish, my question was aimed at what those of this inauthentic Jewish religion should do.<<<<

Anonymous isn't advocating extermination of the pseudo Jews, and certainly neither am I. Please reread my post, as I strongly supported with scripture that NO racial distinctions apply in the soteriological mission of Christ's finished work.

As for my advice to those who refer to themselves as Jews in the state of Israel: repent!

"Ms. Coulter" rules! Godless liberals lose

Thanks for the exegesis. Ann Coulter's not worried about meeting her maker because she says Jesus died for her sins.

It must be such a comforting thought, win, lose or draw in debates.

Re: "Ms. Coulter" rules! Godless liberals lose

You mean you can call 9/11 widows "harpies" and still sleep in the bosom of Jesus?? Cool!!!

Re: "Ms. Coulter" rules! Godless liberals lose

" God" and all organized religions are, just like compulsory education which perpetuates the God myth , simply tools for controlling.
Until religion is seen as this- and " God "
( usually male) reconized as a myth like the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus, not much will change.
It's just too easy to do harm THEN ASK FOR FORGIVENESS
I don't need a " God" to do the right thing and I'm increasingly suspicious of those who do. In fact I'm starting to get a little hostile toward it as I live near a Muslim community and am constantly having to listen to an old goat imploring hatred of dogs and women broadcast over loudspeakers.
Godless and Glad !!

Re: Re: "Ms. Coulter" rules! Godless liberals lose

Do you not realize there is a difference between organized religion and religious faith? They are not the same thing at all. Religious faith is not created by man, organized religion is.

Mrs. Preterist: "There you have it: Since the Resurrection and Exaltation of Christ there is no long

How special. Thank you for revealing that.

Re: Mrs. Preterist: "...no longer any need for Jews."

End quote.

Re: Re: Mrs. Preterist: "...no longer any need for Jews."

Thank you, Anonymous. More cogently put than my response.

Noel, please stick around this time

Happy you see it that way.

I hope you'll prolong your visit this time, since you and birty and ted and a few others may be opening the site to constructive dialogue with a wider group of people.

Just stay away from controversial figures like Bill Maher. ;-)

Re: Noel, please stick around this time

I always did like you! School starts soon (time to dumb down those kids again!), but I'll try to stay this time.

Re: Not a rant!

Hey liberals out there (Noel, Anonymous, et al), How does it feel to make bed with those wacko, right wing, Christian zealots who bloodlustingly support the murderous, ETHNIC state of Israel. I'll betcha you're quivering with anticipation at the eventual genocide of the Shia (screw the collatoral damage) at the hands of your fantasized benign liberators. Your high browed moralizing, on the other hand, has been quite a hoot. I crown thee, floor flushers of thee young century. Keep up the hypocritcal work

Your blind hatred

has deprived you of your ability to read.

Stop with the penny-ante tricks, you "floor flusher"!

Apparently the "hypocrit detector" doesn't know a floor from a four-flush.

Now, back to "iamthewitness.com" for foreign policy briefings.

Hey, you don't know that.

Maybe his floor flushes.

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