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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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Is 19th century history repeating itself with charter school plans?

Business as usual? Public schools MAY be doing well compared to charter schools.




<< Strategists for School Choice / Charter Schools >>

<< Pseudo-conservative and nominally Christian organizations are leading their unsuspecting supporters to rally behind charter school legislation and the creation of charter schools. A network of private foundations also collaborate around this goal: >>

v The Heritage Foundation

· American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

· Heritage Foundation for School Choice

· Heritage Foundation Expert Bank

· Free Congress Foundation

· State Policy Network (SPN)

· Center For Education Reform (CER)

v Focus on the Family

· State Family Policy Councils

· Family Research Council (FRC)

v National Business Roundtable

· New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC)


v Major Private Foundations

· Pew Charitable Trusts

· Rockefeller Institute

· Carnegie Foundation

· Rand Corporation

· Hudson Institute

· Brookings Institution

· Manhattan Institute

· Annie E. Casey Foundation

· Cato Institute

· Hoover Institution

· Urban Institute

· Aspen Institute

Supporters and followers are so useful

Anything to avoid responsibility for training and educating your own. The truly Godly do not demand the theft of other's property to educate their children and do not blindly follow earthly "leaders". Organized religion inevitably becomes corrupt and a tool to enslave. We have a relatively new charter school in our district, the community took it charter when the district tried to close it and bus the kids miles and miles. Indicators of "academic success" are not good, the principal and teachers are hired out of the district (some employees instrumental in nefarious goings on in the district proper in the past and are very probably sandbagging the kids at the behest of the district). It's a joke. A few homeschoolers went back to school at this charter school and sing it's praises, lots of socialization. I just smile and say "How nice" while thinking "How sad".

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