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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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Aye Aye

I and i are one but appear to be two to ordinary i-consciousness.

The i says i think, therefore i am, and then i's awareness of I gives i greater consciousness of I-i and i-I, and I.

What I is sayin':

1. I think, therefore I am.

2. i think, therefore i am.

3. I-i think, therefore am i or am i not? Oh, I-i am.

4. I think, therefore I am.


Hey now!

Dude you're going to have to be Jack2 or else I've got to go back to being Rufus.
Jack A. Roe(Blondeau)

Re: Just wondering.

No! Some things are provable beyond doubt.

Beyond that it goes in degrees. There are things that are true but it depends on the context. Some things are true at a particular time and place.

You can't prove other things true but that doesn't make them less so.

How many of a person's cherished notions should he be willing to say about, "Of course I could be completely wrong."

When it comes to faith, politics, gardening, and relationships etc. there is truth in these too. Your spiritual life has a direct impact on your health. Not because I say so, JAMA says so, but why believe them... A universal truth in politics is that George Bush is a evil retard and Anne Coulter is a blood sucking harpy. Crappy Gardening technique always yields crappy results. Relationships never work out as you would like them too but it is a universal truth that you are better off working on them.

At the very bottom is art. I could make the case that Heitor Villa-Lobos is superior to to Jimmy Buffett but I couldn't prove it. Besides it only annoys anbd isn't much fun at all to listen to.

You could just chuck everything I wrote and dive right the squalid cesspool of post-modern sludge spoonfed to us by our "betters" who can't even make up their minds what the word "is" means.

And they have a problem with Jesus?!?!

Re: Re: Just wondering.

Sparty, have you seen those clips of W. at the G-8 summit when the Decider didn't know his mic was on? What a hoot!

Re: Re: Re: Just wondering.


He has a way of giving free reign to his feelings.

Re: Just wondering.

Jack2 are you trying to echo Goethe's maxim, "Belief is not the beginning but the end of all knowledge."?

You've got to stand for something or...

"you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything..."

Sometimes it is better to stay in your corner if you know what

Re: Just wondering.

one should then ask oneself, "Do I really need to know the answer to this question".

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